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Dual boot, single partition?

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    Dual boot, single partition?

    Is it possible to install Kubuntu onto a an existing NTFS partition (WinXP) for dual boot purposes? Problems with stability if done? This is a shared laptop and we each want to use a different OS. Any problems then removing Kubuntu from the partition without harming Windows?

    Thanks for the help.

    Re: Dual boot, single partition?

    Hi Velcro,

    I'll start by saying I'm very new to this stuff so you'll certainly want advice other than mine as well, but, speaking as someone who was nervous about moving away from windows I thought you might want to hear my perspective anyway.

    Firstly, as far as I'm aware it's impossible to dual-boot without partitioning, although others may correct me.

    That said, the Kubuntu (8.04) CD makes this very easy. If you load it up under the option "Try without changin your computer", you'll be able to check that everything works acceptably well and then just click on the install option. This takes you through partitioning in a very user-friendly way, and if you let it do the partition then it defaults to allowing half of your hard disk for Windows and half for Kubuntu. Once that's done, you just select the operating system you want to use from a list when you start your computer using the arrow keys and return.

    I know this is very basic information (which is all I'm capable of offering!) so apologies if you're looking for something much more technical but, if you are, I'm sure someone else will offer that soon.


      Re: Dual boot, single partition?

      That sounds like a fresh install creating two partitions. My question is more specific. I want to know if I can leave the existing NTFS (WinXP) partition intact and install Kubuntu onto it for a dual boot. I'm assuming it can not be installed onto an NTFS partition. Is this correct? Or can I accomplish this? Otherwise I will have to reinstall both operating systems which is what I'm trying to avoid.



        Re: Dual boot, single partition?

        Velcro, you can install using the Wubi Installer from the Hardy CDROM (not the DVD).

        This reserves a dedicated file on NTFS for Linux usage and installs grub with dual boot options, no repartitioning is required.

        Just autorun the Ubuntu CD under XP and you will get a dialog with three options - the second one is the Wubi installer.

        [img width=400 height=312][/img]

        I've done this with several XP machines and had no problems.


          Re: Dual boot, single partition?

          Thank you. I have done this with Ubuntu and will try it for awhile. Then uninstall and do the same with Kubuntu. I'm excited to try the new KDE 4. Maybe it can ween me off Gnome. Haven't used it much but am more familiar with it.

