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Krusader questions...

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    Krusader questions...

    I just installed Krusader...

    1- Is there any option in Kubuntu to configure it as the default file manager, instead of Dolphin? I have folder shotrcuts in the main panel, and opens Dolphin by default.
    2- Is there a way, like in Doplhin, to enable/disable the 2 window files view? I usually want to get just one files window, instead of having 2; the last I just use when I want to copy files.
    3- Is there a way to see a tree file structure? I miss it a lot from Windows File explorer... it povides a global view for file management.

    Thank you,

    Re: Krusader questions...

    1- Is there any option in Kubuntu to configure it as the default file manager, instead of Dolphin? I have folder shotrcuts in the main panel, and opens Dolphin by default.
    What i tried:

    K > Utilities > Right click Krusader > Edit item -> Ctrl - c, Ctrl-v (copy&paste) -> Now you have Krusader-2

    Changing=> Command: krusader -caption "%c" %i %m to krusader --left %U --right %U

    krusader --help:
    --left <path> Start left panel at <path>
    --right <path> Start right panel at <path>
    Chapter 26. Customizing KDE:

    A single URL: if the app can handle e.g. FTP or HTTP URLs itself, otherwise KDE.

    A list of URLs; will download the file first and pass a local file to the app (!!)
    Save and quit KDE menu editor.

    Press Alt + F2 type kcontrol -> KDE Components > File associations -> Inode -> directory -> Application Preference Order > Add > Utilities > Krusader-2

    Now directories shoud open with the Krusader (working here).

    More of the Control Center: FAQ: Control Centre vs. System Settings

    2- Is there a way, like in Doplhin, to enable/disable the 2 window files view? I usually want to get just one files window, instead of having 2; the last I just use when I want to copy files.
    Hmm - if there is, i didn't find it (look #3). Krusader, Twin-Panel File Manager.

    3- Is there a way to see a tree file structure? I miss it a lot from Windows File explorer... it povides a global view for file management.
    Krusader > Open the popup panel (#1) > Three panel (#2)(you can use this panel to hide left panel). Krusader with the tree panel:
    Attached Files
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information

