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Kde 4 Issue !!!

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    Kde 4 Issue !!!

    hi guys am new kubuntu user and i like kde 4 but i had a few probelms in system try (not icon found in it ) and i have two Add widgets i have a pic

    Re: Kde 4 Issue !!!

    To put packages or utilities in your system tray, aka panel (and assuming they are actually installed), just go to the KMenu, open it and then find the package you want, and right-click it, and choose "add to panel".


      Re: Kde 4 Issue !!!

      no thats not what i meant ,i mean if I closed a program like kopete using the X button it gode to system try but i cant fine any program there and i cant fined the knetwork manager also and i add it using add widgets but every thing in black


        Re: Kde 4 Issue !!!

        Panel in KDE4 is constructed from different types of widgets, you probably don't have system tray widget added to your panel. Unlock the widgets and right click on panel and click add widgets than add system tray (or something like that) It should work...
        I'm magnet for errors, problems and bugs...


          Re: Kde 4 Issue !!!

          I don't know why you would have two "Add Widget" kidney thingies. Have you looked at your processes to see if there is something that is running twice? Do both function or just one or none?

