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Can't go into Users & Groups

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    Can't go into Users & Groups

    Hi everybody...

    Me again! =)

    Sorry for asking so much but this problem I realy don't know how to solve!

    I was trying to create some user groups in the Users & Groups in Systems Settings.
    I accedentily removed the only group.
    Now when I try to go to Users & Groups it says:

    The module Users & Groups could not be loaded.
    I can't click on anything...

    Can I reset my system or something like that or what should I do?

    // Johan

    Re: Can't go into Users & Groups


    Do you still have your username in group ?
    If not you should add it manually maybe it will work again...


      Re: Can't go into Users & Groups


      I can't see my users or my groups!

      Is it posible to add a Group threw the console?


        Re: Can't go into Users & Groups

        Yes you can do it by addgroup...
        But before you should check that the group doesn't exist in /etc/group


          Re: Can't go into Users & Groups

          But before you should check that the group doesn't exist in /etc/group
          Well... I can't realy see how I'm going to know that by looking in that file!

          I can't attatch the file so you can see it because my internet dosen't work on that computer!

          It's realy weird.
          When I installed Kubuntu it felt that it was no internet connected and therefor it didn't configure my eth0.
          When I check now it's disabled and when I try to enable it it gets enable for a second but then it goes back to disabled again!?


            Re: Can't go into Users & Groups


            In fact, you should be able to see something like this :

            If you can't see it, it's because you've removed it. You can be sure, by typing in Konsole :
            ls -l
            Then you will see a line like this :
            drwx------ 2 <yourUser> <yourUser> 4096 2006-03-26 13:05 Desktop
            If group was deleted you will get :
            drwx------ 2 <yourUser> 1000 4096 2006-03-26 13:05 Desktop
            Then type :
            sudo addgroup --gid 1000 <yourUser>

            For network, maybe it's because of this also, we will check when this will be done, ok ? Or maybe you can post the output of :
            sudo ifup eth0

            Hope it helped.


              Re: Can't go into Users &amp; Groups


              It woorked well with the group, thanks alot!

              It's weird that you can't make a new group in graphic mode if you have deleted all.

              But the network is the same... just keeps disable my eth0!

              sudo ifup eth0
              this gives me:
              Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0


                Re: Can't go into Users &amp; Groups

                Actually... Don't my the network question.
                I reinstalled my Kubuntu. (Not just for the network problem). =)

                About Users & Groups.

                I want to create users who dosen't have sudo rights and things like that.

                Any ideas where I can find info about that?


                  Re: Can't go into Users &amp; Groups

                  Originally posted by Re-JeeP
                  I want to create users who dosen't have sudo rights and things like that.
                  Don't put the users you create into 'admin' group and they won't be able to sudo


                    Re: Can't go into Users &amp; Groups


                    I have two users. say it's user1 and user2.

                    with user1 I can sudo.
                    with user2 I can't sudo.

                    Is there a way to sudo with user2 if I have an admin password or something or do I have to switch user to user1?


                      Re: Can't go into Users &amp; Groups

                      Originally posted by Re-JeeP
                      Is there a way to sudo with user2 if I have an admin password or something or do I have to switch user to user1?
                      Depends on what you wish to accomplish, easiest is to put that user in the admin group...if you wish user2 to not be able to sudo with his/her 'user' password, you can edit /etc/sudoers file so that when user2 tries to sudo it asks for a 'root' password, for example.

                      sudoers file is a very important system file, so make sure to create a backup and read some documentation before editing it.

                      'man sudoers' is a notoriously cryptic man-page, but a good reference when you get into it.
                      There are also howtos available on sudoers (it's a very versatile tool when you're setting up different rights for different users)


                        Re: Can't go into Users &amp; Groups

                        Okey, nice!

                        I'll be sure to make a copy!

                        Thanks alot all for your help!

                        I'll probably see you here soon!

