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ntfs not mount

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    ntfs not mount

    i have ntfs partition it was working good but suddenly it doesnt mount mount at startup. i try to use ntfs cofigration tools it doesnt mount it. i checked fstab
    /dev/sdc1 /media/sdc1 ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 0

    Re: ntfs not mount

    Hello Aharoon,

    I'm not entirely sure about this as I don't use the ntfs file system but I believe that the defaults option in the fstab file usually means:
    set file system read only and do not automatically mount the file system on startup.

    Any option after 'defaults' overides the default settings so try adding, (one at a tlme), auto and then rw.

    reboot after each change and let us know how you get on.

    If you still have problems post your full /etc/fstab file here and I am sure that someone will be able to help.

    A word of warning!
    if your ntfs system contains a working windows OS then enabling write permissions could allow a few 'careless' keystrokes to cause a major failure of that OS.

    if you only want to exchange files between Linux and Windows then a fat32 partition is the safer option!


      Re: ntfs not mount

      Originally posted by AHAROON111
      i have ntfs partition it was working good but suddenly it doesnt mount mount at startup. i try to use ntfs cofigration tools it doesnt mount it. i checked fstab
      /dev/sdc1 /media/sdc1 ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 0
      No, that's somewhat goofed up. Possibly
      /dev/sdc1 ntfs-3g /media/sdc1 defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 0
      might work. Check "man mount".


        Re: ntfs not mount

        Is this NTFS a Windows install? Sometimes Windows doesn't cleanly release it's partition and Linux can't mount it because that partition reports as such. In the past when I had that issue, I just rebooted back into the Windows partition, waited until it got to the logon screen. After that told Windows to reboot. Once back in Kubuntu it would mount fine. Not sue if that is the case here, just for thought.


          Re: ntfs not mount

          i have 2 hard drives one have the windows system with fat partition and the other has the kubntu system with one ntfs patition which has that proplem. it was working perfict untill yesterday i dont know what happened. if fstab is wrong i think it wouldnt mount before am i right?


            Re: ntfs not mount

            Here is what my fstab files has for a NTFS partition.

            /dev/sda2  /media/sda2  ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8  0  0
            It appears that after the "utf" portion you have a "-" which shouldn't be there.


              Re: ntfs not mount

              Originally posted by MoonRise

              It appears that after the "utf" portion you have a "-" which shouldn't be there.
              Aha! I knew there was something wrong with that fstab line! Good catch, Moon!


                Re: ntfs not mount

                thanks for helping and sorry for late in reply. i edit fstab like what MoonRise said and restart the pc and i found the partition mounted. it worked for me.


                  Re: ntfs not mount

                  Yeah!!! Glad to hear success stories.

