I am setting up three kubuntu installs for a nonprofit. The users have never seen linux and for that reason I want to make KDE on them to look as close to XP as possible. For that reason, I attempted to install KDE-XP (speleoalex.altervista.org/flat/index.php?mod=06_Projects/kde_xp)
using ./, i attempted to run his scripts to get it working. However, it does not show up in themes and the superkaramba taskbar does not work for some reason. Help is appreciated. mods, if this is too deep a question for a newbie, please move this post.
using ./, i attempted to run his scripts to get it working. However, it does not show up in themes and the superkaramba taskbar does not work for some reason. Help is appreciated. mods, if this is too deep a question for a newbie, please move this post.