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Login to KDE not working

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    Login to KDE not working

    I recently started using a wireless keyboard and mouse, no problem Kubuntu integrated it automatically, but it wasn't working properly, so I restarted the computer to get it working again.

    After this, everything went as normal, loading grub etc., Kubuntu loads the login screen, I type in my password, the screen turns black for a second, mouse turns up on screen, and then login screen comes back up. This keeps happening so I can't login to KDE.

    What would be the reason for this? And how can I fix it? Is there another way I can load KDE, for instance through the terminal?

    Thanks, John

    Re: Login to KDE not working

    I have the same problem whit the login already posted a message about this on the forum.
    I have also reconfigured the xserver but problem still persists.

    No idea... Maybe somebody...


      Re: Login to KDE not working

      This is the infamous "login loop" -- it has several causes:

      - full filesystem
      - broken video driver (has to be re-installed)
      - root permissions attached to user folder and files (don't run ever user stuff as root!)
      - in Gutsy, there was a language pack-en that caused it.

      Here are some pointers:


        Re: Login to KDE not working

        When I tried this, this is what showed up:

        1. Went to Console Login
        2. Log in
        3. Kill KDM

        sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop
        4. Goes back to kubuntu loading screen
        5. I get this message

        Traceback (most recent call last):
         File "logging/", line 753 in emit
         File "logging/", line 731 in flush
        IOError : [Errno 28] No space left on device
        I'm assuming I need to open up some space somewhere, but I'm not sure how to do that or where to cear up space.

        Thanks again


          Re: Login to KDE not working

          Yep, looks like a full filesystem.

          Not knowing anything about your system, the general guidance would be:

          1. Back up your data on some external device or media.

          2. Use GParted (GParted Live CD is my favorite) to re-partition your drive, making more space (no less than 6GB) for Kubuntu.

          3. Reinstall Kubuntu on the enlarged partition.

          That's pretty generic. There are more heroic measures possible, depending on your needs and system resources.


            Re: Login to KDE not working

            Just wanted to say I solved this awhile ago, I just had to go in and delete some of the larger files and folders that I had put on, videos etc. thanks for your help guys

