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System crash during upgrade

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    System crash during upgrade

    Hi everybody,
    Yesterday I decided to do the first upgrade after Kubuntu Flight 5 in my Sony Vaio VGN-FS215S. I downloaded a daily install cd, I typed sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and the process started without problem. At some point the upgrade stopped and I was prompted that there was an error. I retyped apt-get dist-upgrade but it didn't function. I decided to reboot but X-windows had crashed and I received a message that I should manually run chkfs if I remember well. Being a simple user I copied a command suggested. When I rebooted grub wouldn't load and I received an "error 17" message. At this point I decided to reinstall flight 5. I solved the problem this way.
    I just would like to know what is the appropriate move in a similar situation for a complete newbie.
    1. Shall I try again to upgrade using the same cd?
    2. Shall I download today's current cd?
    3. Is there another command I should type?
    4. If grub doesn't boot is there a way to fix it without having to reinstall Kubuntu?


    Re: System crash during upgrade


    In fact, it seems that "error 17" is error of mounting partition in grub, I had once case like this, I changed "hd" in "sd" in the grub config and it worked...
    1-2-3- Why are you using a cd to dist-upgrade ? What is the system you're installing in base ? You should dist-upgrade from internet, at least it's what I'm doing from the time breezy appeared as flight1
    4- If grub is not booting, you can always try to edit config whith "e" and then have fun, usually quite hard to do for a newbie



      Re: System crash during upgrade

      Thanks for the advice,
      I don't currently have an internet connection in Linux (perennial winmodem problem). I am waiting for Dapper release to fix it. Even if I had at home I just have a dialup connection whereas at the university I can download via Adsl. Therefore I am bound to cd update.
      From what I understood there is a problem in X-windows after update in some cases as I found out from the forum topics.
      My system has a Pentium M750, 1.86 gHZ, 1024 ram, 100 GB HD, NVIDIA Geforce 6200 CARD. I currently have windows XP in a partition and Kubuntu Dapper Flight 5 in the other (Actually divided in root, home and swap subpartitions).
      I don't know if I answered to your questions but I am a simple user.
      Sorry for any irrelevant information

