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K3B fails to write CD

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    K3B fails to write CD

    This is the first time I try to burn a CD using kunbuntu and K3B. It does not seem to work
    I have compiled a K3B project from a long mp3 (about 60 mins) of mixed trance. First I split the tracks using Audacity, so I can easier navigate the CD while driving in my car. Then I exported as .wav files, recompiled them and added cd text in K3B. When I try to burn, using default settings on most variables, I get a code 2555 unknown error. (Logfile below).

    I used the K3B - setup from the system menu so I think permissions should now be ok, but what should it be, and how can I verify this manually from the command line?

    The failure takes a long time to complete at first attempt, afterwards it just gets repeated.

    Here is a logfile from K3b, maybe some of you can help me find out what is causing trouble here:
    GAH! I had this brilliant plan to make the same mistake again. this should have been an error report but next time i tried, it just stalled for 50 minutes, I just had to kill k3b and I didn't even get an error report..DISAPPPOINTED!! :P

    Re: K3B fails to write CD

    open konsole, and type k3b, then try burning your CD, post all the output in the command line in code tags.
    <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(


      Re: K3B fails to write CD

      good advice

      I get this:
      myuser@mycomputer:~$ k3b
      myuser@mycomputer:~$ find: /dev/.static: Ikke tilgang
      k3b: ERROR: (K3bDevice::Device) Unable to do inquiry.
      k3b: ERROR: (K3bDevice::Device) Unable to do inquiry.
      "Ikke tilgang" = no permission

      ...k3b window freezes
      ...extremely low framerate on general kde desktop (~5 frames per minute or so)
      ...k3b must be killed

      Other information
      yesterday, in the first attemtps I got a much longer errormessage from within the k3b application, but as it now just sstalls that (probably more useful) information is not available. It is also possible I fixed that problem and created a new one using k3b setup?

      EDIT: This guy, Snowdrift, seems to have exactly the same problem. The long error report he posted is the one I could not reproduce.


        Re: K3B fails to write CD

        I looked at the /dev/.static file. It is invisible to ordinary users, but if i sudo:
        myuser@mycomputer:~$ sudo ls -ltrhap /dev/ | grep static
        drwx------   3 root root           0 2006-03-27 23:28 .static/
        myuser@mycomputer:~$ sudo ls -ltrhp /dev/.static
        totalt 38K
        drwxr-xr-x  12 root root 39K 2006-03-05 21:33 dev/
        myuser@mycomputer:~$ sudo ls -ltrhp /dev/.static/dev
        *really long list of devices in here, last line is a link to cdrom*
        looks like this:
        lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root           8 2006-03-05 21:33 cdrom -> /dev/hdc
        so...are my permissions right or should the /dev/.static be opened to k3bsetup? It appears to me this file is quite important and I wonder....please, advice?

        BTW...I read the advice from askrieger in Snowdrift's thread, it does not seem to help so far


          Re: K3B fails to write CD

          more trial & error from my side:

          myuser@mycomputer:~$ k3b
          myuser@mycomputer:~$ find: /dev/.static: no permission
          k3b: ERROR: (K3bDevice::Device) Unable to do inquiry.
          k3b: ERROR: (K3bDevice::Device) Unable to do inquiry.
          myuser@mycomputer:~$ sudo chmod -R a+r /dev/.static
          myuser@mycomputer:~$ k3b
          myuser@mycomputer:~$ find: /dev/.static: no permission
          k3b: ERROR: (K3bDevice::Device) Unable to do inquiry.
          k3b: ERROR: (K3bDevice::Device) Unable to do inquiry.
          so...does it require write permissions? this is scary! please, ELP!


            Re: K3B fails to write CD

            Problem reported as bug to k3b project, bug 124390.

            Most likely problem:
            insufficient privileges (in /dev/.static) to perform call K3bDeviceevice in kcmshell

            which privileges would be correct?
            again, might this be reelated to a poorly set up /etc/fstab ?

            # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
            # <file system> <mount point>      <type>    <options>                                <dump>  <pass>
            proc            /proc              proc      defaults                                 0       0
            /dev/hda5       /                  reiserfs  notail                                   0       1
            /dev/hda1       /media/winxpsys    ntfs      ro,auto,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000       0       0
            /dev/hda2       /media/windoc      ntfs      ro,auto,user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000       0       0
            /dev/hda6       /windows           vfat      rw,user,iocharset=utf8,umask=000         0       0
            /dev/hda4       none               swap      sw                                       0       0
            /dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0                udf,iso9660 user,noauto                  0       0
            /dev/hdd        /media/cdrom1                udf,iso9660 user,noauto                  0       0
            /dev/fd0        /media/floppy0     auto      rw,user,noauto                           0       0


              Re: K3B fails to write CD

              Are you sure that adding the text to the files isn't causing the problem? Can you burn mp3s straight to cd as audio?


                Re: K3B fails to write CD

                I tried a "direct write" file from Amarok (this just starts up k3b to do the burning, which again should start cdrecord) but it fails with same descriptions as above.

                This thread on the k3b forums seems to describe similar problems but it appears there is no solution? Please help! All help is very much appreciated.

