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internet trouble/win to linux booting

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    internet trouble/win to linux booting

    Alright, first Im going to ask about internet. I was a bit impatient to get to linux, and couldent use the internet at the time of instalation. I looked around, but I cant figure out how to set up the connection.

    Secondly, I paranoidly unplugged windows to partion the hard drive I wanted. I couldent go online so I went back to windows to get help, it crashed, I think its working now, but I dont know how to switch between them. Did I do it in such a way that I cant? Im not worried about redoing it, because all I did was mess around with the looks.

    Re: internet trouble/win to linux booting

    Originally posted by Goop2
    Alright, first Im going to ask about internet. I was a bit impatient to get to linux, and couldent use the internet at the time of instalation. I looked around, but I cant figure out how to set up the connection.
    I would recommend installing kubuntu again, especially since you are new to kubuntu, and probably don't want a fury of complexity thrown at you.
    Originally posted by Goop2
    Secondly, I paranoidly unplugged windows to partion the hard drive I wanted. I couldent go online so I went back to windows to get help, it crashed, I think its working now, but I dont know how to switch between them. Did I do it in such a way that I cant? Im not worried about redoing it, because all I did was mess around with the looks.
    Is Windows installed on a USB drive? Or did you unplug an internal HDD? When Kubuntu is installing, it should install GRUB, which can help you select which OS to boot to. If you unplugged the Windows drive, it prolly didn't see the Windows partition, so you couldn't include it in the list of OS's to boot from.
    <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(


      Re: internet trouble/win to linux booting

      alright, I guess Ill have to redo it. Im just scared of erasing windows, because I dont think it says what HD your using. Also there are 2 selections for each drive, so I dont know which one to use. I just used the one on top. I have 2 hard drives, one has windows XP and one had windows ME. ME is better I think, but I deleted it anyway. just so you know everything, the XP drive is 106 gig, the linux one is around 19.


        Re: internet trouble/win to linux booting


        Usually during installation it's telling you that you can erase a disk, or another, or use expert parittionning... Just look on size of disk you want to erase it should be display it.
        At least you can try and if it's not, switch off your computer without doing anything more...

        Hope it helped


          Re: internet trouble/win to linux booting

          Originally posted by Goop2
          alright, I guess Ill have to redo it. Im just scared of erasing windows, because I dont think it says what HD your using. Also there are 2 selections for each drive, so I dont know which one to use. I just used the one on top. I have 2 hard drives, one has windows XP and one had windows ME. ME is better I think, but I deleted it anyway. just so you know everything, the XP drive is 106 gig, the linux one is around 19.
          ME is one of the worst windows versions released

          Misery Edition


            Re: internet trouble/win to linux booting

            I quite agree with you about ME, it stayed on my computer on this time 2 days I think... But on some computers, it was running ok... My parents kept it 2 years... So maybe it depends, but for me it's still M$ ...


              Re: internet trouble/win to linux booting

              Well its just that I get an error saying that the games I want to use arent... I dont remember, it was something about DOS. I havent played any CD games in quite a while though.

              Crashed agian today. I think it might have something to do with both internet and standby mode. Both times the internet was unplugged, and I came out of standby. Could that be from unplugging it to install linux?


                Re: internet trouble/win to linux booting

                How is it crashed ? Did you got error message or something ?


                  Re: internet trouble/win to linux booting

                  It gave me a blue screen (contrary to popular belief, the do still exist) saying something went wrong, had to shut down... when I turned it back on it said I recovered from a crash. I took out the linux HD and it stopped crashing.

                  I re-installed Kubuntu, but Kopete wont let me log onto MSN and Konqueror is realy slow online

