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Lost on broadband internet

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    Lost on broadband internet

    I need some help setting up my internet in Kubuntu 8.04.

    I've had a fairly extensive search through the forums on this topic, although that has just left me more confused for the most part. I'm quite new at both Linux and non-dialup internet, coming from an XP system.

    When trying to view any online content through Konqueror, I get "Unknown Host: (url)"

    I am using a Speedstream 4200 modem, connected directly to my motherboard via ethernet, I'm not sure what other information is important.

    Re: Lost on broadband internet

    have you tried rebooting with it on? as Kubuntu/Ubuntu/Linux should auto-scan for an ethernet device upon boot-up and look for a broadband modem and send out packets to connect to the net from ur isp.

    if not, or try this test, if it shows nothing or stalls then u have no net, if it shows info. then your connected to the net.

    open up the terminal and type(then press enter):



    it should show:

    Peer 1 Network Inc. PEER1-BLK-08 (NET-64-34-0-0-1) -
    ServerBeach PEER1-SERVERBEACH-02A (NET-64-34-176-0-1) -

    # ARIN WHOIS database, last updated 2008-04-26 19:10
    # Enter ? for additional hints on searching ARIN's WHOIS database.
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      Re: Lost on broadband internet

      Booting with the modem on doesn't fix the problem.

      Typing the whois command returned something telling me that the 'whois' program is not installed.

      It suggested I try sudo apt-get whois, which told me that the program is unavailable. I guess that's because I have no internet.

      I know that the modem and internet work, because I'm using them through XP to type this.


        Re: Lost on broadband internet

        hmmm, i found this:

        "It's not a modem. It's a network bridge (like a router) for broadband network connections. It doesn't MOdulate or DEModulate anything." from lucky13 @;t=18071;st=0 - last post.
        Wanna know more about Me and My computer then click here


          Re: Lost on broadband internet

          maybe itta be best if you try ur request on the ubuntu forums, as they are mmore active there and u'll more than likely get a quicker response to your problem + that they're members are high.
          Wanna know more about Me and My computer then click here


            Re: Lost on broadband internet

            Thanks nowshining, I'll try that, but probably tomorrow when I have more time.

            I call it a modem because that's what my ISP told me it was, although I wouldn't trust them to know what they were talking about at all from my personal experiences with them.

            Now if it were a regular dialup modem and I was using KPPP, I could do that... but unfortunately I've only just moved to this century when it comes to internet, so I'm not as confident with it.


              Re: Lost on broadband internet

              best bet is to get a firewall - linux comes with iptables - it doesn't have rules by default, all the GUI's are front ends to it.

              once you get more used to linux, itta be easier for you to install stuff and become second nature - then u'll hat windows.

              I also came from XP.

              I thought compiling source code was hard and didn't know how to do it, but it's easy, and with linux u'll find more programs in source code form than deb form if you go out and look on the net, altho it is changing and the deb files for debian/ubuntu are getting higher.

              Yes ubuntu/kubuntu is based off debian so anything should work fine between them.

              Also debian install files are .deb, the same is with ubuntu/kubuntu, so if you see a section/download for debian, itta work for your distro hopefully. I think redhat uses rpm, .rpm if I rem. correctly.

              Once you make the move to linux u'll never look back. Also it easy to build your own kernel from - the offiicial site and of course optimize it to your computer and remove what you don't need.

              Again itta get easier on you using linux if you stick with it.

              oh! provides WINE for running Many windows games.

              IF you play games - is giving away a free super collapse for those who sign up or direct download url is here(and yes it should work in WINE fine as I've being using WINE to play it):
              Wanna know more about Me and My computer then click here


                Re: Lost on broadband internet

                It sounds like you may be having the same problem that I did and I replaced the Onboard Ethernat with a PCI Card Ethernet adapter and disabled the on-board. This was by faaar the easyest fix, I spent a month on the forums and had lots of help, but could not get past the on-board ethernet adapter. It took less than an hour to install PCI Card and get it up and on the net.

                Good Luck, and Welcome to Kubuntu


                  Re: Lost on broadband internet

                  I always recommend having a router in place between your computer and the cable modem. Typically when you hook the ethernet up from the mode m right to your PC your PC gets the external IP address which basically sticks you right out there on the net for all to see. Yes Linux is not as vulnerable to attacks as Windows is but with that being said you just never know. I have a linksys (Owned by Cisco) box here at my house that you can go and pick up from just about anywhere. Mine is also setup as my DHCP server here for the house so it dishes out the IP addresses for my workstation as well as my wifes. When you have the router in between you and the net the router will be out there in the open for all to attack but since by default it comes with all of it's ports shutdown the would be hacker will have a hell of a time trying to get through it. Sorry I'm a network security guy at work so this stuff just comes to me as a second nature.
                  Kubuntu II on both Laptop and Desktop and some servers here at the office


                    Re: Lost on broadband internet

                    rodh: I dug around and found an old PCI ethernet card in one of my less used boxes, unfortunately installing that didn't seem to fix the problem. Still "Unkown host" for any webpages, but I know that accessing the internet through the PCI card works because again, I'm doing it right now.

                    TheFuzz: I plan on working on internet security when I have internet to secure. My computer budget is very low, and there aren't any routers lying around here. Besides, if I do get attacked, I have a Kubuntu installation CD right here. Although I'm pretty sure I'll manage to destroy the OS through my own tinkering before any would be hackers can get to it.


                      Re: Lost on broadband internet

                      "Although I'm pretty sure I'll manage to destroy the OS through my own tinkering before any would be hackers can get to it."

                      , make sure tho to set-up iptables to at least have a software firewall. All the GUI's are front ends for it.
                      Wanna know more about Me and My computer then click here

