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Kubuntu crashing all over the place...

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    Kubuntu crashing all over the place...

    Hi Folks,
    I am new here, but not new to linux. Been running Ubuntu for a fair few years now but decided to switch over to Kubuntu a few days ago. Mainly because most of the programs I use are KDE based ones, and I wanted a change.
    I am having a few problems though. I had lots of problems installing as I did have a dual boot system. Long install story short I ended up wiping the lot and getting rid of windoze for good and sticking with Kubuntu.

    Everything seems to run and load pretty slowly. Not painfully slow, but almost.

    Lots of programs are either crashing or not working properly. Settings in things like Kontact don't seem to be doing what they are supposed to etc.

    Kontact will often freeze up and die for no apparent reason.

    Kexi runs really really slow and then does the same.

    K3b has been running ok, but it seems to hang when looking up cd info on cddb, and won't even let me add my info in.

    Konqueror is ok when I am browsing files, but when I get on the net it starts to misbehave.

    That's about as far as I have got as I don't want to set it all up too much just yet until I get these things fixed up.

    Ideally I would give you all the info on what Kubuntu and KDE version I am using, but I had such a hard time getting it installed I can't remember what version I got working in the end... (It was late, and I was tired and grumpy) So if anyone can point me in the right direction to find that info it would be good. I am possibly running an 8 version which could be a beta and the reason, but like I said I was tired and grumpy and was probably not paying a huge amount of attention...

    Hopefully it is something really obvious or a user fault somewhere because I really like Kubuntu and would much prefer to use KDE instead of Gnome.

    Thanks folks.

    Re: Kubuntu crashing all over the place...

    Have you tried checking for & installing all the updates?

    Once you install all the updates - let me/us know.

    Just open up a program and go to help - about - KDE

    if you want it's fairly easy to upgrade from 3.5.8 to 3.5.9 - last tip as of this post in the tips, howtwos..

    try also deleting/removing the .Xauthority file & then try

    sudo chown -R username:username pathtofolder

    change username to your username and pathtofolder to /home/username/

    of course change /username/ to your username

    input ur pw and continue, don't worry it won't show it as you type, this is for security, then just hit enter and you should be back at the command prompt.

    From there exit out all programs, log out, press ctrl + alt + del on yoru keyboard, re-login, do you have the same problems?

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      Re: Kubuntu crashing all over the place...

      Thanks nowshining.

      This is what I have done so far:
      I have run adept and installed all the updates.
      Just worked out I am running KDE 3.5.9 - does it then matter what Kubuntu I am running? eg 7 or 8?

      As for the other stuff, I will go and give that a whirl now. I am ok at doing stuff in command line, but it's not a strong point, I learn as I go though!

      Thanks, I shall keep you on posted on how that works out.


        Re: Kubuntu crashing all over the place...

        okay. Probably a really lame question, but I can't find the Xauthority file...

        Edit: I found it... duuh


          Re: Kubuntu crashing all over the place...

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            Re: Kubuntu crashing all over the place...

            oh! I had just a for a day or so kde crashing on logout - KDE kicker had problemss :/ - took a pic of the error of said named file in the error box before it went quickly away, and doing the whole permissions thing for my home folder fixed that. it just couldn't save an xml for the ksysguard on logout.

            Also for days here I couldn't get into ksystemlog or synaptic as it would ask for a pw from the menu, but then well it wouldn't show up, they worked with sudo thru the CLI fine or so.

            Ksystemlog - date time crud - searched no solution.
            XLIB cannot connect to server errors on some things which finally today PST time Apri.l 27 2008 here early in the morning I was able to solve it after searching again about removing the .Xauthority file which I did, logged out and backin and all was well.

            So far only one problem left for me. it's not that huge it's just that I get an error when closing dolphin, an Update was suppose to fix this, but it didn't :/ and I have all updates, incl. the update to Kubuntu 3.5.9 I did this morning.

            Just some info. as to see if some of the things I used to fix the crashed/problems might help you.

            I'm running Kubuntu 7.10 - KDE 3.5.9 + kernel 2.6.25 by the way.
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              Re: Kubuntu crashing all over the place...

              Well, so far I think you have fixed it.

              Everything is running super quick! (Except Kexi, that is still lagging big time, but was on gnome too)
              So far no crashing and I have just opened up as many programs at once as I can.. ha ha

              K3b has stopped hanging, which makes life easier. And so far Konqueurer and Kontact are behaving as they should.

              Awesome. I really didn't want to have to go through the stress of re installing and killling it all again.

              I hope I haven't spoken too soon though!

              Thanks again, you rock.


                Re: Kubuntu crashing all over the place...

                Yeah I spoke to soon...

                Just had Kontact and Konquerer crash....

                I had Kontact, GTKpod, K3b, konquerer and dolphin all open but it only crashed when I started to rip with k3b. Also I noticed that nothing came up in the 'storage media' section of dolphin, but it was doing earlier.

                Perhaps it is just my computer and it needs some upgrading. Although things ran ok in Gnome.

                I've got a pentium 4 2.80 GHz processor
                200gig sata hard drive
                750MB Ram... I think... it's either that or 1gig.


                  Re: Kubuntu crashing all over the place...

                  go into system settings - sound system - un-check enable the sound system.


                  go and remove arts the sound system & as much of it as you can without un-installing the rest of the whole system just about.

                  also adept my crash on you, remove it and install synaptic package manager

                  & of course the software sources package - software-properties package I think.

                  Also remove the kde deb installer and install the gnome one, i had it crash on me and changing it to the gnome one fixed this.

                  I used to have kubuntu crash a lot on me too at first, but after doing the above all works well now.

                  Also if you don't want and or use konqueror and find it buggy - too buggy you can remove it without any problems and install firefox. I use swiftfox and if anything I suggest installing Firefox from the main site. but you gotta compile it to install it or get a script which i did on ubuntu, swiftfox tho provides deb files.

                  There, all those Should fix your crashing problems. & of course any future ones you may have.
                  Wanna know more about Me and My computer then click here


                    Re: Kubuntu crashing all over the place...

                    Okay I unchecked enable in the sound system...

                    I uninstalled some packages with the name adept, but not all and installed synaptic.
                    Do I go into synaptic and search for everything with adept in the name and remove it?

                    Also not sure what you mean by this bit
                    "go and remove arts the sound system & as much of it as you can without un-installing the rest of the whole system just about."


                    "Also remove the kde deb installer and install the gnome one, i had it crash on me and changing it to the gnome one fixed this."

                    What are their names in synaptic?

                    Sorry for the prossible stupid questions...

                    And yeah I always used Firefox in ubuntu so think I might revert to that.


                      Re: Kubuntu crashing all over the place...

                      ah~ no there are are not stupid Q's, I should of been more specific.

                      Just remove the Adept installer once u installed synaptic of course and use synaptic to now/remove uninstall stuff.

                      Adept package manager - just do a search for adept and remove all that you can see in the search results without un-installing all that you need if it shows any dependencies that you may want to keep.

                      for arts just find "arts" without the quotes and find packates in the description with aRts in it and try to remove as must as you can again without removing your whole system. (this is most likey the reason for your crashes as after un-installing it I think it fixed a lot of my crashes)

                      Gnome installer - remove gdebi-kde and install just gdebi - do a search for gdebi

                      also when you go to install many gnome things - at first you'll have to download and install a lot of gnome libraries - they can co-exist, gnome & kde apps can co-exist fine as long as you have the space on your hard drive.

                      oh! if you don't plan on networking sound or using aRts sound system then un-checking using the sound system should work for you just fine. Also it doesn't disable your regular sound as it's totally different.
                      Wanna know more about Me and My computer then click here


                        Re: Kubuntu crashing all over the place...

                        Okay all of the above has been done. I just restarted so we'll see how it all goes now...
                        I've also been having trouble over the last few hours getting CD's and DVD's out of the computer. Eject and unmount seem to stop working frequently. Hopefully thats fixed that problem too.

                        Thanks nowshining, I really appreciate your help heaps.


                          Re: Kubuntu crashing all over the place...

                          Quick update...

                          Tried to load up kexi.. It crashed and in turn so did Kontact... But nothing else did. Although now Kontact won't load, so I'll have to reboot again.

                          So far the cd's are ejecting, although they don't always show up in the storage media section of dolphin or konquerer. But if I go in to 'root' folder then into 'media' I can access them there most of the time.

                          k3b is running seamlessly. I've ripped about 5 cd's to the ipod so far and no problems whatsoever. It's a bit slow in doing the ripping but I can live with that


                            Re: Kubuntu crashing all over the place...

                            I installed swiftfox.. Well I think I did. I did it through the deb file and then added to the repository so synaptic can update it, only problem is I can't find it in the menu to start it.

                            There is a trick to that isn't there? If I remember from years ago (the last time I installled something through the command line as opposed to package manager) you have to kill something or something? Tried looking on the forum there but couldnt find anything...


                              Re: Kubuntu crashing all over the place...

                              no it should show up thru the menues under internet, also if CDs are not ejecting then the OS is locking it - ie the CD as so it seems. :/
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