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Two Network Connections

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    Two Network Connections

    I am going through a rough divorce with windows and I really like Kubuntu. There are two problems with it, lack of a firewall, which I fixed. The other problem is that I cannot connect to my desktop pc. Here is the setup, on my laptop (Inspiron 600m) I had xp pro on both and I would connect them with a crossover cable to share files. If I wanted to connect to the internet with the laptop I would plug it out of the desktop and into the laptop and xp would recognize it and work. Now, with Kubuntu, if I install it with the cable modem plugged in, it will connect to the internet, but if I plug in the crossover cable it does not recognize the network. Do I need to setup samba, or my network connections (cannot see administrator button but tab fixes that). Help me, the n00biest of the n00bs.

    Re: Two Network Connections

    Try installing samba, and configuring it to work with sharing files to your windows machine. Assuming you have a 'net connection, that is:

    sudo apt-get install samba
    Now open konqueror (K > Internet > Web Browser (Konqueror)), and type settings:/ (the one slash is not a typo). Click network and samba (I think... on XP right now). Now set the radio button to the top option (simple share), and fill in the info of your home network.

    Also, you do not need a firewall in kubuntu, no ports are open by default.
    <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(


      Re: Two Network Connections

      Thank you, but now there is another problem. My wireless card was not recognized so I installed the drivers by copying two driver files from windows and using ndiswrapper to install it. I completed the installation successfully but now when I go to system settings to configure the wireless connection it asks me for the admin password but the options are still unavailable. The solution might be simple, but again, a n00b here.

