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KDE 4's Desktop

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    KDE 4's Desktop

    I am using KDE 4 and its working fine. Whats kinda bugging me is the change to desktop files, when i save to desktop and right click i only get icon setting no file properties is there any way round this?
    If not is there a widget/plasmoid that will display dolphin on the desktop, the default widgets included are pretty rubbish.
    Thanks:<br />Using a Toshiba A300-21H ,3GB ram,Intel Core2Duo 2Ghz,Mobile Intel® GMA 4500MHD,intel wifi link 5100. Tux wants you!

    Re: KDE 4's Desktop

    You have to go to the Desktop folder in your /home/you/ using Dolphin, then you can read modify etc.
    hope this helps


      Re: KDE 4's Desktop

      If you find Dolphin in the KDE4 menu, then right-click it, you can put an icon on your panel or your desktop.


        Re: KDE 4's Desktop

        Or you could install the 'Folder View' widget.

        It comes with the 4.1 beta and project neon nightly builds so do not expect mega stability, plasma crashes very often for me.

        It's essentially the old desktop that works in a plasmoid. I still do not understand why the KDE usability team thought that removing all functionality of the desktop was a good idea. I use it as a general place to store stuff, mount temp images etc. Not supposed good practice, but I use a desktop, like I use a real desktop, a place to do work, not admire for it's looks. Its the main thing that will keep me using KDE3.x or maybe switch to XFCE or even dare I say it gnome.

