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No Boot Device Found

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    No Boot Device Found

    Hi all, got a bit of a problem here

    I have installed kubuntu 8.04 on my macbook pro, triple booted with osx and vista. everything installed fine and i changed the bootloader to (hda0,3).

    But when i restart and select to boot linux from the hard drive i just get a black screen with "Boot device not found. insert a bootable media and press any key"

    Any ideas how to get this up and running? I am currently running from the live cd.

    Thanks Lee

    Re: No Boot Device Found

    Open Konsole and run the following commands:
    $ sudo grub
    grub> root (hd0,3)
    grub> setup (hd0)
    grub> quit
    Then, reboot and your problem should be fixed
    Asus G1S-X3:
    Intel Core2 Duo T7500, Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT, 4Gb PC2-5300, 320Gb Hitachi 7k320, Linux ( )


      Re: No Boot Device Found

      Its still a no go :< the commands worked fine and another boot option is added to my boot menu but i still get the no boot device found error


        Re: No Boot Device Found

        Where did you install grub at installation? (hda0 or hda0,3) where hd0,3=sda4.


          Re: No Boot Device Found

          i installed it at hda0,3

          I was following a guide from the ubuntu wiki which said to change it to that


            Re: No Boot Device Found

            Okay, I take it that your kubuntu is on sda4.

            Are you using grub to boot or the vista resp. apple boot manager?

            Which kernel are you using to boot linux?

            Can you post your /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/menu.lst?
            You can use a live cd and activate the partition your kubuntu is on for that.

            Also are are the initrd.images for the kernel you are booting in /boot?
            Like: initrd.img-2.6.24-16-generic


              Re: No Boot Device Found

              Thanks for the fast reply, unfortunately i have to rush out to work, i will post the data as soon as i get back

              Thanks Lee


                Re: No Boot Device Found

                I'll butt in for just a second, then be gone ...

                "Boot device not found. insert a bootable media and press any key"

                That message usually means that BIOS can't find a valid, bootable drive in the list of drives you gave BIOS when you set up BIOS. Each bootable drive must be marked as such (with a boot flag). If you use the live Kubuntu CD, and in the live session open
                K > System > Konsole
                and type
                sudo fdisk -lu
                you'll see your list of drives. One or more should be marked as "boot" (perhaps with an asterisk *).
                You can use GParted Live CD to mark a partition as bootable (highlight the partition, click Partition > Manage Flags, click boot).

                In your BIOS, you should have a list of boot devices, usually starting with your CD/DVD rom, then your main, first hard drive, then anything else you wish to put in the list (hard drives, USB drives, etc.). BIOS will check those devices from top to bottom until it finds a "bootable device" (something it can boot from, like your live Kubuntu CD, or a hard drive containing a bootable partition).

                An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

