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Kubuntu does not start

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    Kubuntu does not start

    Hi to the all people, I am a new (italian) guy on this forum.
    Sorry for my english so sick.
    I have installed on my pc, Kubuntu 7.10.
    It has worked properly since yesterday. Today system does not start: when I decided to start with grub, in a normal mode, on the screen remains displayed "Starting up...".
    If I try to start with recovery mode, system start but remain blocked on this line "...timer: vector=0x31 apic1=0 pin1=2 apic2=-1 pin2=-1".
    I tryed to rescue the system with the system cd, but also it not work.
    My pc has the temperature sensore of cpu broke, and it reads that cpu works in a high temperature but it is not real and windows xp works properly.
    If I try to reinstall the system, I must set acpi=off: is it normal?
    Can anyone help me? thanks a lot

    Re: Kubuntu does not start

    Hi, seems you have problems with internals. Try to stop acpi. Somentimes it may help. For example stopping acpi may solve probelm of not working adept manager.


      Re: Kubuntu does not start

      I have tryed to disable acpi yesterday: but the result It's the same.
      I also tryed to start with a knoppix linux live: it start only in failsafe mode.
      Probably I have a problem on the mainboard.

