So I know I don't have a whole lot of room to talk about how great Linux is compared to windows as some of you seasoned vets out there. But with that being said last night I decided it was time to dual boot because of the fact that I need to access my Raid 5 (maybe someday dmraid will be able to do it) so I pop in the vista disk and lets get to work. First off when I installed Kubuntu on my machine I left a space on the HD for windows so when I felt like doing a reinstall the space was already there. Well leave it to MS not wanting to be last. Because the space was at the back of the drive Vista didn't want anything to do with it. It was acting like it was diseased or something so I bowed my head and deleted all of my partitions off
. Then repartitioned it and installed Vista in partition 1 at the front. After vista was done with the install I decided I was going to go download the 64bit Kubuntu (last year I tried this with big headaches, but this time is a lot better) and reinstalled Kubuntu in the back of the drive of course Kubuntu did not care one way or another where it was at. After all of that was said and done I got my dual monitors set backup in Kubuntu easy as pie. Went into vista to do the same thing, not so easy it took me an hour to get them to finally work right, oh I was so mad.
So while I'm in vista I'm already starting to notice little things that I'm missing such as being able to grab a window whether it is maximized or not and move it to another monitor. Needless to say MS is doing a bang up job of keeping me converted to the other side. Oh and tomorrow my new Ubuntu book arrives so I can learn even more. YEA

So while I'm in vista I'm already starting to notice little things that I'm missing such as being able to grab a window whether it is maximized or not and move it to another monitor. Needless to say MS is doing a bang up job of keeping me converted to the other side. Oh and tomorrow my new Ubuntu book arrives so I can learn even more. YEA