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Kubuntu [Virgin]

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    Kubuntu [Virgin]

    Today is the first day I run Kubuntu and actually try to install something... but after two hours of reading explanations, I can't get to do anything...

    1) There's no sound...

    2) No matter how hard I try, Amarok won't play mp3s (and will update everytime)...

    3) And also there's virtually none video-watching software (specially mkv and flv)..

    4) My tablet became crazy... can I fix it and use it on Kubuntu? (Genius G-Pen 4500).

    5) No FireFox...

    6) Need to learn WINE for Photoshop and openCanvas.

    Also... I don't know how to install anything, specially when I see all the codes, I don't even know were to put them.

    Please, pull me out of the dark... Thank you for everything.

    Re: Kubuntu [Virgin]

    Originally posted by Rockbell
    Today is the first day I run Kubuntu and actually try to install something... but after two hours of reading explanations, I can't get to do anything...

    1) There's no sound...
    need more info, hardware, soundcard, onboard, usb, at all? or just on the web. Lots of posts here about no sound, if you search you'll probably find an answer
    2) No matter how hard I try, Amarok won't play mp3s (and will update everytime)... Do you have medibuntu and restricted repositories enabled?

    3) And also there's virtually none video-watching software (specially mkv and flv).. not sure about mkv and flv but again, make sure medibuntu is in your source list, automatix would probably be good.

    4) My tablet became crazy... can I fix it and use it on Kubuntu? (Genius G-Pen 4500).

    5) No FireFox...
    open konsole and copy/paste ctrl+c/shift+insert
    sudo apt-get install firefox flashplugin-nonfree gnash
    6) Need to learn WINE for Photoshop and openCanvas.
    sudo apt-get install gimp
    or plenty of how-tos about installing photoshop w/ wine, it's been done
    Also... I don't know how to install anything, specially when I see all the codes, I don't even know were to put them.
    put them in terminal in kubuntu it's called konsole or open adept, or add remove programs

    [i] when adept breaks, which it will, just search it here, find one of the many posts by dibl about dpkg -a etc.

    Please, pull me out of the dark... Thank you for everything.

    good luck, and welcome, let us know how it goes
    [img width=400 height=138][/img]


      Re: Kubuntu [Virgin]

      Thanks for the answer RJ, I'm gonna try these things tomorrow when I come back to my home.

      I've been desperate to get software back on my Kubuntu, specially the damn sound drivers. I'm two seconds about to move to Sabayon (which regonized everything before).

      My biggest concern is my tablet, can't work without it and Kubuntu goes crazy whenver I connect it, I've never found something insightful of how to make it work (guess I'll have to search harder).

      Thanks again for your answers.


        Re: Kubuntu [Virgin]

        Not sure about the specs of your tablet, do you need touch screen support, or flip screen or whatever that's called. Or is it an older one and you need something that'll perk it up?
        [img width=400 height=138][/img]


          Re: Kubuntu [Virgin]

          For mp3s

          sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras
          Also add the medibuntu repo

          As for video viewing, try kaffiene, vlc, totem, xine etc. There are lots and lots of video viewers

          If you are serious about photoshoppery you could try cinepaint but for some reason this is not available in Hardy, but still in Gutsy

