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Change to dubbleclick to open

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    Change to dubbleclick to open


    I just installed fluxbox and are now trying to confiqure it.
    As default one click with the mouse opends a file or a folder.
    How can I change that so it becomes two clicks? And one click to select it.

    And does someone have a quide to make the home network work with kubuntu?

    // Johan

    Re: Change to dubbleclick to open

    In System Settings: Under the Hardware group, click on Mouse. You will see, under the Icons group, a choice to change to double-clicks.

    (In KControl, it's under the Peripherals group)

    Hope that helps.
    Jucato's Data Core


      Re: Change to dubbleclick to open

      It woorked well... Thanks alot!

      About the network.
      Does anyone know how to get the network working?


        Re: Change to dubbleclick to open

        Originally posted by Re-JeeP
        It woorked well... Thanks alot!

        About the network.
        Does anyone know how to get the network working?
        A quick search on the kubuntu wiki came up with


          Re: Change to dubbleclick to open

          Re-Jeep: Do you have a wireless or wired network?


            Re: Change to dubbleclick to open

            A quick search on the kubuntu wiki came up with
            I always try to search and follow quides but it's actually very rare that it workes.

            An example of that:

            I want that idesk starts up when my fluxbox starts but It dosen't.
            Even when i follow the guide and uncomment the idesk-line!

            Re-Jeep:  Do you have a wireless or wired network?
            I have a wired network!


              Re: Change to dubbleclick to open

              Wired networking is pretty straight forward. I'm surprised that it wasn't set up properly when you installed.

              First check and make sure that it isn't working:
              1) Start a konsole (K > System > Konsole in KDE, but I don't know fluxbox)
              2) Type "ifconfig -a"
              3) Look for the entry that says eth1. If there is a line saying inet addr: #.#.#.#, you're up.

              If not you will have to edit your /etc/network/interfaces file.

              You should look for two entries in particular:
              one should say:
              mapping hotplug
              <tab>script grep <-- you won't see the tab
              <tab>map eth0

              The next entry to look for should say:
              iface eth0 inet static or iface eth0 inet dhcp
              depending on how you connect, if you always have the same inet address use static, otherwise dhcp.


                Re: Change to dubbleclick to open


                I've checked the things you said and everything's right.

                I have a D-Link DI-604 which provides dynamic ip's to the LAN.

                I have two computer. One with Win XP and one with Kubuntu.

                Win XP:

                If I use my Kubuntu-computer and type \\ in firefox/konqueror.
                Shoulden't I get up what my XP has shared?


                  Re: Change to dubbleclick to open

                  Not exactly, even if it were another Linux computer, you would need to use a program like ssh to login to the other computer and sftp to transfer files.

                  Windows computers use a different system called SMB. You talk to them from Linux with Samba. It is set up fairly automatically in KDE. If you click on the little house on the panel, one of the options you get in the Konqueror splash screen is "Network Folders" , I can't recall whether any setup is required. I know that you do need an account on the Windoze computer and that you will be asked for a password. After that, I believe you can type smb://name of win-computer/name of shared dir/.


                    Re: Change to dubbleclick to open

                    Well.. It helped a little bit.

                    I installed samba, ssh and hsftp (i didn't find sftp).

                    I can find the computers in the network but I can't get access to them.

                    It asks for a password just like you said. But the root / admin password does not work. This happends in both directions!

                    Any ideas?


                      Re: Change to dubbleclick to open

                      I think it's asking for your username and password on the windows machine.


                        Re: Change to dubbleclick to open

                        It dosen't work if i try with that.

                        It also asks for a password when I'm trying to access my linux computer from my windows computer.
                        I have tried with my root password but it's not helping!


                          Re: Change to dubbleclick to open

                          Try it from the windows box with your user login and password.


                            Re: Change to dubbleclick to open

                            That dosen't work either...

                            Do I have share a folder on my linux computer to be able to access it?


                              Re: Change to dubbleclick to open

                              System Settings>Sharing>File Sharing. You need Administrator mode to do anything. Once you're in use the Add button, to find directories and click Share with Samba.

