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New Video Card

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    New Video Card

    I built the new PC a few of weeks ago and have been using the on board video. After some frustration I got Kubuntu running beautifully on it. I just purchased a new video card (nVidia 8600 PCIe) and am now having problems.

    When I first put in the new card and started it up it did what I expected it to do - stopped at the login prompt. So I ran
    dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
    and reset xserver to run standard vesa rather than the nVidia drivers. When I restarted it this time it got to the point of starting kdm, ran through a few lines starting a few items all of which were OK, then it got to a line where it said that it was running boot scripts (../etc/rc) and stopped.

    I can get to a login script at that point (I use alt-f4 to do so, is that the best way or should I use another method) or I can boot into recovery mode. Problem is that I don't know what to do at that point to get it working. Any tips on that?

    Another question: Could it be that it's trying to use the on board video from that point on? There doesn't appear to be any way to disable it on the mobo or in BIOS.

    Re: New Video Card

    Ok, ignore this. I appear to have it going. Using auto-detect card in dpkg-recon worked.

