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Kubuntu is booting directly into command line - no graphics

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    Kubuntu is booting directly into command line - no graphics

    Help...I just restarted and all is looking good for the start up procedures until I get to the login stage, its all command line based. The kubuntu splash screen shows when I startup and shutdown, but they are the only graphics i see.

    This is what I get on the display:

    Starting up ...
    [  16.146365] PCI: Failed to allocate mem resource #6:20000@e0000000 for 0000:01:00.0      (this usually happens and it works fine, its everything from now that I havent seen before)
    Loading, please wait...
    usplash: Setting mode 1280x1024 failed
    usplash: Setting mode 1152x864 failed
    usplash: Using mode 1024x768
    kinit: name_to_dev_t(/dev/disk/by-uuid/1bdecd2d-4120-8ee3-a3e6-2ca2b4ff8191) = sda5(8,5)
    kinit: trying to resume from /dev/disk/by-uuid/1bdecd2d-4120-8ee3-a3e6-2ca2b4ff8191
    kinit: No resume image, doing normal boot...
    Ubuntu 7.10 andrew-laptop tty1
    andrew-laptop login:
    Im running Kubuntu here also so I dont know why it says Ubuntu.

    I am able to log in and navigate fine, its just I have no idea what to do or where to even look. I tried booting up firefox and get this

    (firefox-bin:5410): Gtk_WARNING **: cannot open display:
    please help...ive just had to do a 3am mercy run into uni so i can get back to my assignment :P
    Also, im logged in on another computer atm because i cant do anything on the laptop, so I cant copy huge chunks of code, have to type it manually.

    Re: Kubuntu is booting directly into command line - no graphics

    type startx and lets see what errors are thrown up.


      Re: Kubuntu is booting directly into command line - no graphics

      Look at and
      "A problem well stated is a problem half solved." --Charles F. Kettering
      "Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."--Dr. Seuss


        Re: Kubuntu is booting directly into command line - no graphics


        this one worked

        i have no idea what the problem was, but it wasnt a fresh install and ive restarted plenty of times since installing so i dont know what i did in the last couple of days to stuff everything up. i can go home to bed

