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Attempting to install Kubuntu on Toshiba

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    Attempting to install Kubuntu on Toshiba

    Hello all!

    I am totally new to linux so please bear with me. I recently purchased a Secondhand laptop and at the moment, the OS is MS XP Pro, but he last owner did not finish the setup of the OS so all that is needed now is the Serial Key to activate it. No problem, he has it but he has to get it for me later in the week. Kubuntu is totally new to be and i didnt know about it till my brother told me about it. Figured i should give it a shot since it is free and IF i dont like it i have the original instlal CD and Key.

    So I have Downloaded the Install CD and i burned it onto a CD. How would i go by setting up the laptop to run off of that. At the moment the laptop turns on and goes through its whole process and starts up to the windows login page. Small screen pops up and asks " would you like to activate windows now?" The CD wont auto play and i have no idea as to how to install it.



    Re: Attempting to install Kubuntu on Toshiba

    I think you have to set your laptop to boot from the CD rather than the hard drive first.
    Jucato's Data Core


      Re: Attempting to install Kubuntu on Toshiba

      If you want to INSTALL kubuntu over Windows XP, simply go into your BIOS (usually F2 or DEL when the computer is booting up), and select it to boot from CD. This will _completely overwrite_ your Windows install, ie: you will not have Windows on the computer at all. You can make it so you dual boot both Operating Systems, simply by using a Partitioning program (like Partition Magic, but there are many more at, just search partition) to create a partition (separate space on a Hard drive). If you resize your XP partition, you can install Kubuntu in the space that you freed up.

      If you want to TRY OUT kubuntu, simply download the LIVE CD, and go into your BIOS, and select the disk drive to run first. Then boot the computer with the CD and have fun.

      I recommend the LIVE CD, because it does not write anything to disk, and is completely safe to use.
      <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(


        Re: Attempting to install Kubuntu on Toshiba

        on my toshiba laptop if you press F12 at power on it will give you all your boot options ie hardrive cdrom network atc

