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Help with Kubuntu Linux.

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    Help with Kubuntu Linux.


    I downloaded Kubuntu Linux 7.10 a few days ago onto a CD disc. Even though the Kubuntu download took up almost 700MB, when I open the CD,the only things I see are downloads for the Mozilla Firefox web browser,
    the Mozilla e-mail client and one other program. Now I know that these three programs don't take up almost 700MB of space. What happened to all of the files for the Kubuntu operating system?

    Also, on the main (and only) page, it says that I can use the Kubuntu disc to try the program out, without affecting my windows program. It says that all I have to do is 'boot' up my computer with the Kubuntu disc running. Well, I have tried that, and nothing has happened. Since I can't see the rest of the files on the Kubuntu CD, I don't even know that there is a 'exe' file on it. When I do try to 'boot up' using the Kubuntu CD, all I get is the Windows XP OS starting up instead. I need to know if the Kubuntu Linux version is for me, or should I try and download an easier version of Linux that I can try out without getting rid of my Windows XP OS.

    I've been having all sorts of problems with the Windows XP program lately, and I would really like to start using a simple version of Linux that still looks
    as close to Windows as possible without giving me all the headaches! Any and all help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks all!

    Re: Help with Kubuntu Linux.

    It's a live cd. reboot w/ it in the drive and give it a go.
    sounds like you may have to select boot from cd as the first option in bios.

    While rebooting keep hitting Delete or maybe F2 or F8 even F10(start w/ del and go in order), it might give you a brief message during the reboot about which button you should be hitting, You only have to hit it once if you do it at the right time, but it won't hurt anything to do it during the whole reboot, if you see windows starting to load just hit the restart on the front of the pc and try again.

    Be very careful in BIOS, if you don't know what it is don't change it. But boot order is safe, just choose CD for first and hdd0 for second.

    Kubuntu gutsy will have konqueror as the default web browser.

    I'd recommend taking a few minutes and opening KONSOLE [a terminal] (command line) Start menu/accesories/konsole (I think, not using Kubuntu at this moment) and typing

    sudo apt-get install firefox flashplugin-nonfree
    that will install firefox and flash into the live session, won't be there after installing or after a reboot.

    have fun, and come back to let us know how it went. Be sure to search you'll probably find someone else has already figured out your problem before you.
    [img width=400 height=138][/img]

