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Complete noob..Vista disk wont install

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    Complete noob..Vista disk wont install

    Hello.. I recently uninstalled vista and installed kubuntu to test it out.
    ---I then decided to uninstall kubuntu and install vista back because i decided to try and dual boot the two. And having vista installed first seemed to be the way to do it.

    I kind of accidentally deleted my entire Disk while fooling around with the disk partitioner on the live disk after i uninstalled everything (there was nothing really on it but w/e) its all free space atm.

    Now when i try to run the vista Cd it gives me error 17 from grub...or if i press f12 and choose the run from DVD gives me the retry or start the setup thing and doesn't work...

    why wont vista start?...the live CD for kubu seems to run fine?

    please excuse my lack of any computer knowledge

    Re: Complete noob..Vista disk wont install

    With Vista, you never quite know for sure what the heck is wrong.

    My guess: The Vista boot entry in your GRUB boot menu may be wrong.

    In Kubuntu, your boot menu is called /boot/grub/menu.lst.
    There should be an entry for Vista, probably somewhere at the end of that menu.lst.


    title Vista whatever
    root (hd0,?)
    chainloader +1

    (and there may be other stuff there, too, like makeactive, etc.)

    If it says just root, you need to edit it to say
    rootnoverify (hd0,?)

    And PERHAPS, the (hd0,?) is wrong, too.
    The ? is the partition number that Vista is installed on. It should be either 0 or 1 – you might have to try both until one works.

    To open and edit menu.lst as root:
    Open Konqueror.
    Type / in the location window and press Enter.
    Click on boot.
    Click on grub.
    Right-click on menu.lst,
    Actions > Edit as Root
    and it will open.
    Check/change the root statement (as I said above).
    Then File > Save and File > Quit.
    Exit out, and re-boot to test to see if Vista will boot.

    How To GRUB Methods - Toolkit
    --- HOW To: Change the Default Operating System (Also: Changing the timeout, boot menu, and other tips) Reply #1 (Tells how to edit menu.lst.)

    --- Vista -- Linux Dual Boot (Also, some Vista – XP issues) Reply #11

    You may wish to keep this one handy, also:
    Vista *** The definitive dual-booting guide: Linux, Vista and XP step-by-step
    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski

