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new problem, video in Firefox and Konqueror SOLVED!!!!!!!!!!

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    new problem, video in Firefox and Konqueror SOLVED!!!!!!!!!!

    I am running Gutsy on an AMD Athlon with 1G RAM, and an ATI Radeon 7200 video, "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080325 Ubuntu/7.10 (gutsy) Firefox/"

    I have mplayer, vlc, QT, WMPlayer, Java6 and its runtime, with all of their associated plugins, plus Greasemonkey and the Fox News friendly script.

    When I open a video on Fox News, I get a new white window with the following error posted up in the upper left corner:

    "Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows XP Media Center 2005, Mac OSX 10.3 or Mac OSX 10.4 is required to view this page"

    Also, when I go to a local radio station " " and try to listen to their live radio talk shows, I just get blank screens with no audio.

    I also, Konqueror will get a "SIGSEGV Signal 11" error which crashes the player, and sometimes Konqueror.

    Videos of different descriptions, mostly Flash, play fine on, and a couple of other sites.

    Where do I start to try to troubleshoot this problem?

    Re: new problem, video in Firefox and Konqueror

    Fox News recently changed the way their videos are presented. In order to watch the videos, you now have to lie to them and tell them you are using IE and Xp or Vista. To do this, install the extension "User Agent Switcher". After installing, when you go to Fox News, click on Tools, then User Agent Switcher, the select IE and Windows before trying to open the Video. I don't think the Fox Friendly News script for Greasemonkey works anymore.

    This works for me.


      Re: new problem, video in Firefox and Konqueror SOLVED!!!!!!!!!!

      Thanks, Detonate! That solved it!


        Re: new problem, video in Firefox and Konqueror SOLVED!!!!!!!!!!

        Hey Donate, how do you install that add-on "user Agent Switcher", can you give a step by step guide on how to install this on kubuntu, and where do you get it?

        Thank you


          Re: new problem, video in Firefox and Konqueror SOLVED!!!!!!!!!!

          Its just an add-on for firefox , nothing to do with kubuntu. Simply follow this link:

          Click on "Add to Firefox". An installer should popup in firefox. Thats it hope it works.
          Kubuntu Gutsy Gibbon - Registered Linux User--> # 15709

