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Can't wach tv online with konqueror

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    Can't wach tv online with konqueror

    I will be grateful if someone can help me to be able to use konqueror or firefox to watch tv online (no need for TV card, such as freetube, etc.). At these internet sites, I can only play channels in flash format, but not those in windows media or quicktime formats. Installed plugins for konqueror: flash and VLC.
    Thank you in advance, guys!

    Re: Can't wach tv online with konqueror

    Have you added the medibuntu repository and installed the w32codecs package. Also the kubuntu-resricted-extras?


      Re: Can't wach tv online with konqueror


      I would like to add to that question since you say we need to make sure we installed the additional pluggins such as medibuntu repository and the w32codecs package and also the kubuntu-restricted extras, where do you get these and how do you install it in kubuntu to have the youtube or freetubes to work?



        Re: Can't wach tv online with konqueror

        Originally posted by Siten0308
        w32codecs package and also the kubuntu-restricted extras, where do you get these and how do you install it in kubuntu to have the youtube or freetubes to work?
        (1.) Medibuntu instructions are here.

        (2.) kubuntu-restricted-extras is installable from within Adept, or, from the command line, if you're comfortable with that. Run Konsole and type (or cut and copy):
        sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras


          Re: Can't wach tv online with konqueror

          Thank you for your replies, but I have already installed both medibuntu and kubuntu-restricted-extras, and the problem still remains. In addition, Firefox hangs up when trying to play windows media and quicktime.
          Other suggestions?

