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Network is unreachable in Kubuntu 8.04 inside VMWare

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    Network is unreachable in Kubuntu 8.04 inside VMWare

    I gave the system a static ip address that was free on the network, and copied over the settings in my windows control panel, so my /network/interfaces looks like

    iface eth0 inet static
    address (ip address)
    netmask (netmask)
    gateway (gateway)

    the system also has the proxy configured. Proxy doesn't require login. Ethernet type for VMWare is bridged. Is there something I missed?

    Re: Network is unreachable in Kubuntu 8.04 inside VMWare

    I use VirtualBox and I know that in order to get the virtual machine to see the entire network outside of the virtual machines "world" I had to install what VirtualBox calls Guest Additions. Then I needed to do some other configurations that created a new Network Connection on the Host by which I then had to bridge that to the actual network connection on the Host. I'm not sure about VMWare, but maybe it is similar?


      Re: Network is unreachable in Kubuntu 8.04 inside VMWare

      It does have something like that but it's supposed to be for other stuff besides networking (tried to install it but couldn't figure out how). I think I'll probably ask in VMWare forums since it's probably an issue related to the VM itself than Kubuntu.


        Re: Network is unreachable in Kubuntu 8.04 inside VMWare

        Last year, for the six months that I ran Feisty, I did the reverse setup from you're trying to do, and I did that with Samba.

        In a VMWare Player Win XP machine, on Linux, I was able to see the other Win XP machine that is on my router, and share files -- a 2-machine LAN.

        FWIW, as I recall that drill, it went like this:

        - install and configure Samba on Linux (no small feat, btw)
        - Configure Windows networking with NetBIOS and/or NetBEUI (my memory is failing me on those details)
        - Set the Windows systems to use login passwords, at least for the user that wants to share files
        - Track down and disable the various Win XP firewalls

        Hope this is of some use.

