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Don't know which video driver to use

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    Don't know which video driver to use

    I'm running Kubuntu 7.10. I have an old Nvidia GeForce2 video card and downloaded and installed the nvidia-glx driver, but seemed to have shifting resolution problems. Should I use the nvidia-legacy driver? Thanks.

    Re: Don't know which video driver to use

    Yes, you should be using the Legacy drivers. If I remember correctly, the New driver is used for the Geforce 6 series, and above. Possibly some Geforce FX series cards...

    Although, I thought the GLX package could detect, and install either the New, or Legacy packages.
    The answers are out there...


      Re: Don't know which video driver to use

      I removed the nvidia-glx and installed the nvidia-glx legacy instead. I did notice my machine was a lot more responsive with the nvidia-glx, all the screensavers worked perfectly and during bootup the "Nvidia" logo displayed. Is there any settings for the legacy I need to adjust? When I bring up sudo nvidia-glx settings in Konsole it just says "command not found".


        Re: Don't know which video driver to use

        It sounds like your installation has reverted to the Open Source NV drivers, and not the legacy Nvidia drivers.

        Open the Monitor Control Center (K Menu -> System Settings -> Monitor & Display).

        Then enter the "Administrator" mode, there should be a button at the bottom right.

        Now select the "Hardware" tab, and then check to see if the driver says "vesa, "vga", "nv", or "nvidia".

        Click on "Configure", and then select "nvidia", and click on "proprietary".

        If it gives you an error, then you will need to reinstal the Nvidia-GLX package.
        The answers are out there...

