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Problems with superkaramba

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    Problems with superkaramba


    I recently installed Kubuntu on my computer.

    I'm now trying to make it look a little bit nicer! =)

    I downloaded Superkaramba and are now trying to write my own stuff.

    I have a little problem with the font.
    It wont change in to the font i have specified.
    I have checked on this page and what I can see I'm doing right.

    Shoulden't this code give me the output "Distro :" in the font verdana?

    karamba x=0 y=0 w=248 h=800 locked=true interval=1000 
    text x=45 y=35 value="Distro :" color=255,255,255 fontsize=10 font=verdana
    Best regards // Johan

    Re: Problems with superkaramba

    if your tinkering with the source.. make sure you right click > reload (or refresh) widget. (or some command like that... I remember from when I had SK.)
    <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(


      Re: Problems with superkaramba

      Yeah... but I do that...


        Re: Problems with superkaramba



          Re: Problems with superkaramba

          I have tried that to...

          I downloaded a skin from and installed it and I get the same font-style.

          Whatever font I type in I get the same font-style as a result.

          Do I have to download some kind of font-thing so I can use other fonts or what?


            Re: Problems with superkaramba

            Err...have you got the verdana font actually installed?...the default kubuntu font selection is not that big? :P


              Re: Problems with superkaramba

              No idea?

              Can I see that somwhere?


                Re: Problems with superkaramba

                Control Center|System Management|Font Installer
                (or 'kcmshell kcmfontinst')

                All your fonts are probably installed as root so you have click the 'Administrator Mode' button to see the complete list.

                Verdana (and a few other MS fonts) can be installed with a package called 'msttcorefonts' (it's in the 'multiverse' repo...that's 'multiverse', not 'universe')

                There are of course other fonts already installed and available, so you don't have to go with Verdana. (Ok, maybe that's rather obvious )


                  Re: Problems with superkaramba

                  Control Center|System Management|Font Installer
                  (or 'kcmshell kcmfontinst')
                  I found that, but when i press 'Administrator Mode' the page just gets a red frame and nothing more happends.

                  And about the 'msttcorefonts'. I googeld it and found some info.
                  And many seemed to have solved it by type 'sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts'. But that dosen't work for me.


                    Re: Problems with superkaramba

                    sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts

                    it should install verdana and many other MS fonts... it should say this package is already the newest version if it's already installed.
                    <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(


                      Re: Problems with superkaramba

                      Originally posted by Re-JeeP
                      I found that, but when i press 'Administrator Mode' the page just gets a red frame and nothing more happends.
                      It shouldn't do that, try upgrading KDE to fix 'Administrator Mode' behaviour.
                      Search the forums on how to the meantime you can try:
                      kdesu kcmshell kcmfontinst
                      to get to administrator mode directly.

                      And many seemed to have solved it by type 'sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts'. But that dosen't work for me.
                      That's probably because it's in the 'multiverse' repository (that's not enabled by default) need to add multiverse to your /etc/apt/sources.list. Again, search the forums about editing your sources.list


                        Re: Problems with superkaramba

                        That's probably because it's in the 'multiverse' repository (that's not enabled by default) need to add multiverse to your /etc/apt/sources.list.
                        I have already removed all the # in the repository list.


                          Re: Problems with superkaramba

                          Check your sources.list, I can't remember if 'multiverse' is enabled simply by removing the '#'. 'universe' is, but multiverse might not be.

                          If it isn't you can add it by adding 'universe multiverse' in place of 'universe', for example


                            Re: Problems with superkaramba


                            Worked nicely...

                            Thanks alot! =)

