These posts, supposedly from users new to linux, sure have a lot of cryptic command acronyms. If these are new users, then I'm a StoneAgeMoron!!
I ask your forgiveness in advance of my post, I am frustrated and quite disappointed by the complexity of configuring Kubuntu. In my humble and computer technology-challenged opinion, any viable operating system shouldn't require a degree in computer science to get the basic functionality routinely available out-of-the-box from other (commercial) operating systems.
Just a few direct, simple questions:
Do dial-up modems actually work in Kubuntu? If so, where can I buy one that will not require ANY -- meaning none at all -- set up from those commands that some of you love? Please be specific as to manufacturer and model.
Why can't Kubuntu let me have administrator functions (I think you call it root) when I type in my regular user password after clicking a KDE application button? I even tried su and sudo but probably did something wrong, they won't do anything but tell me that the password that I set up during installation is not valid. Isn't the user password supposed to get you logged in as root? Why do you need special access to reset the time format, anyway?
Do these commands ever work as described in documentation or books?
I can't find any meaningful documentation for this Kubuntu command line babel in the help files installed with the distro. Does everybody else REALLY know all this jibberish before even installing the system? Also, why does everything need to be so cryptic? Why not use easier to remember command names. After the first 500, three-letter acronyms become hard to remember!
However you need to add one more to the glossary (to be as polite as possible) IDW, It Doesn't Work!!!!
I hope that you will all excuse my rant. I acknowledge that these questions regard limitations that are mine, and not those of Kubuntu or the Kubuntu community.
Until this point, I actually considered myself rather computer literate! Live and learn.
I ask your forgiveness in advance of my post, I am frustrated and quite disappointed by the complexity of configuring Kubuntu. In my humble and computer technology-challenged opinion, any viable operating system shouldn't require a degree in computer science to get the basic functionality routinely available out-of-the-box from other (commercial) operating systems.
Just a few direct, simple questions:
Do dial-up modems actually work in Kubuntu? If so, where can I buy one that will not require ANY -- meaning none at all -- set up from those commands that some of you love? Please be specific as to manufacturer and model.
Why can't Kubuntu let me have administrator functions (I think you call it root) when I type in my regular user password after clicking a KDE application button? I even tried su and sudo but probably did something wrong, they won't do anything but tell me that the password that I set up during installation is not valid. Isn't the user password supposed to get you logged in as root? Why do you need special access to reset the time format, anyway?
Do these commands ever work as described in documentation or books?
I can't find any meaningful documentation for this Kubuntu command line babel in the help files installed with the distro. Does everybody else REALLY know all this jibberish before even installing the system? Also, why does everything need to be so cryptic? Why not use easier to remember command names. After the first 500, three-letter acronyms become hard to remember!
However you need to add one more to the glossary (to be as polite as possible) IDW, It Doesn't Work!!!!
I hope that you will all excuse my rant. I acknowledge that these questions regard limitations that are mine, and not those of Kubuntu or the Kubuntu community.
Until this point, I actually considered myself rather computer literate! Live and learn.