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kubuntu questions

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    kubuntu questions

    alright, so my start in kubuntu has been going OK so far...
    downloaded the bloody dvd to i guess... almost NO use -.-'.

    but thats cool, thats one thing learned.
    ok, right now im kinda lost with many things. for one, atm im using konqueror as a web browser, ive always used firefox, though i see that FF needs some gnome packages to work, and since im thinking of going full K with my programs, then im looking for a substitute... konqueror seems rather slow as i can see, or is it my connection?

    first time i booted the system the whole internet cracked on me big time, it just woudn't connect! my router is set on cheesy dhcp mode so the system has 0 problems, but... the net manager, i guess, crashed on me.
    luckly i had read the help manual before installing so... alas! i knew of the majestic ctrl+alt+bspace...

    saved my day.
    i intend on getting something else to manage the net, ic that the help file suggests KNemo, any other progs i should lookup? (its interesting that im getting lots of red words on my screen when i type im, and the likes. but it doesnt really suggest me any replacements o.O. - so im wrong, but it wont correct me? horrible program... firefox manages that more efficiently.)

    anyways, net problems aside,i need help with a LOT of tips.>

    -should i use my 'main' first acc, or should i creat another one to use. the useer help file said something about the fact that u shoudnt use root, but it seems ubuntu fixes that for u already... so does it? anything else i should know?

    -also, i installed this program 'Kappfinder', it seemed useful , but it doesnt show up on my k menu... i read something about having to manually add everything( i thought kapp would cover that -.-), is that so? man it CAN be a problem if so... then how will i know if i have something installed there and im not aware of... >.<

    -everything is very slow atm(my pc is rather, very, fast), the dvd reading process was unusually slow(whats wrong with mr.K?) and so is my connection.
    i understand that efficiency in linux depends on who is managing things, so what program do i need to install to fix my nightmares?

    -i write a lot, and Koffice seemed interesting, but, contradicting the help manual kubuntu came with openoffice(which i know), so any one out there got a prof. opinion on this. which one to use?

    so far everything in the K universe is really buggy and messy, and i feel rather lost, not having those access questions answered(the ones above).

    -oh, also i installed the kdict(which i thought would come standard...) and it added the program into a 'more programs' tab in 2 sections! what is wrong with whatever is managing this?!

    ok,so i really need help. And i did not see any of my answers anywhere in this section(i did search), maybe its me, or maybe i should have gone to the ubuntu forums... so much for mr.K...

    point me in any direction please.

    -im using a Compal fl90, if anyone needs to know, it recognizes my graphics card, but so much for sound eh?
    but i guess thats the catch with linux, at least atm...

    thank in advance for any reply.
    edith also i havent done the update yet, till i decide on a few things and get things done.
    and i installed kubuntu7.10 64.

    Re: kubuntu questions

    Originally posted by kforum

    -i write a lot
    Yes, you certainly do!

    First, Welcome!

    I'll assume from the above that you have decided you want to adopt Kubuntu Linux and use it productively for whatever you use your PC for, right?

    It is too much to ask for a "simultaneous solution" to every issue that you can think of, upon first seeing your Kubuntu desktop. You need to break the challenge down to manageable pieces, and build your skills one step at a time. There's a lot to learn, the rewards are great, but the frustration can be great too, if you push too ambitiously and without a reasonable degree of patience. Remember, the members of this Forum are voluntarily helping each other without compensation on their own time -- there is an expectation that you will engage in a certain degree of self-help, using the search capabilities of this Forum and Ubuntu Forum.

    So, let's back up and ask a fundamental question: We're less than a week from the 8.04 Beta release, and 6 weeks from 8.04 version release. You're nowhere, at the moment -- you don't have any valuable stuff to lose, on the Linux side of things. Are you sure you wouldn't rather make an 8.04 CD, and start with that from the beginning? I've been running 8.04 for a few weeks, and I would think that doing your basic learning and troubleshooting is going to take you to a point where, upon release of 8.04, you're going to want it anyway.

    So, you can decide that question, and then if you will pick one thing that is "most important" to you, let's solve that one and then move on to the next most important, and build your knowledge base accordingly.

    BTW, Firefox is a perfectly reasonable browser for Kubuntu, if you'd rather use it. Just export the bookmarks from your Windows Firefox to an html file, save it on a memory stick or USB drive or something, and then after you install Firefox in Kubuntu, you can import the file and you'll have your familiar bookmarks.

    Also, you might want to browse the topics here -- a lot of common problems have already been written up in "How To ..." fashion:


      Re: kubuntu questions

      darn! i just go some major problems when i tried to reply to you now...
      is it because i clicked on the remember me for ever or whatnot button?

      umm.... well i could get the 8.04 version, but cant i just -update- when its out o.O?

      also, i dont really have any problems atm, but i did have a lot of questions in my thread, 0 answered so far...

      my conclusions on one part of them is that, yes, i can use the account i created since its not really the 'root' account, so its not exposed. like i said ubuntu auto-fixes that for you, or so it seems...

      but i still have not answered all the other questions.

      have u ever used koffice?


        Re: kubuntu questions

        Theoretically, an upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 will be possible. But I see a lot of reports like this, regarding upgrades:

        You got some guidance on Firefox, vs. Konqueror.


        - Yes, use your user account
        - NO, don't use the root account for routine operations
        - use "sudo" for installing software and modifying system files

        Use this process to fix your sound:


          Re: kubuntu questions

          konqueror seems rather slow as i can see, or is it my connection?
          For me the speed is not dependant on the browser as much as the computer/network.

          (its interesting that im getting lots of red words on my screen when i type im, and the likes. but it doesnt really suggest me any replacements o.O. - so im wrong, but it wont correct me? horrible program... firefox manages that more efficiently.)
          I have not changed from using 'NetworkManager' based network management expect for the brief time I used wicd on my laptop (that was due to wireless). I have not changed it for my desktop.

          -should i use my 'main' first acc, or should i creat another one to use. the useer help file said something about the fact that u shoudnt use root, but it seems ubuntu fixes that for u already... so does it? anything else i should know?
          You do want to use your first account. It should be the only one with administrator access. You will notice in many of the how to's the use of 'sudo'. This tells the system you want to run the command as root. Only users who are assigned to the 'admin' group will have access to sudo. The first account is the only one automatically assigned to 'admin'.

          -also, i installed this program 'Kappfinder', it seemed useful , but it doesnt show up on my k menu... i read something about having to manually add everything( i thought kapp would cover that -.-), is that so? man it CAN be a problem if so... then how will i know if i have something installed there and im not aware of... >.<
          All of the programs I have installed using adept have shown up in the menu.

          -i write a lot, and Koffice seemed interesting, but, contradicting the help manual kubuntu came with openoffice(which i know), so any one out there got a prof. opinion on this. which one to use?
          Depending on what you are using the office apps for. If you are having to interact with word documents the openoffice would be your best bet. I prefer koffice myself since it is lighter than openoffice.

          so far everything in the K universe is really buggy and messy, and i feel rather lost, not having those access questions answered(the ones above).
          Depending on what programs you have installed. The default install from the kubuntu-desktop.iso is very lean. With linux there are many possible programs to install which would definately make things confusing.

          I have tried to answer some of your questions. Some I am unable to answer without more information. I agree with sir dibl, start small and work on fixing one area at a time and you'll be more successful.



            Re: kubuntu questions

            thanks for the info guys, and -well i thought upgrades where a smooth process... guess not.

            oh and dont worry about my sound, ti was the first thing i did... VERY easy. i had a guide i scraped a while back, long story...

            oh and Monte, when i said red words, i mean the typos, like 'teh'. konqueror doesnt show replacement options when u right click on it .

            and another problem guys... first-ever one in a while my connection crashes for one or another reason... for instance this one time it just stpoed working, asked for my wallet key, and then it enters the crash state, where its offline and in a endless loop of 'connecting'.(this loop has been triggered for 1 or 2 reasons at different moments >.<).

            also, i tried updating today(the usual update u do when ur system is new) and after it downloaded everything, it worked... but it also had some sort of crash, then it gave me some sort of error i guess... then it decided that i had 'just updated' to 7.10 o.O(thought i had installed that... xD) then it decided that some 'other' program was running updates and also gave me an error...
            puzzled, since there was obviously NO other program doing anything, i restarted an since im online and there is no demand for more updates or whatnot... i guess everything is fine

            so far anyways...

            so, summing up, thanks guys for the answers and yes maybe ill wait for 8.04...maybe. .
            ill be around till then.
            for now, u guys got any clue on whats going on with all these crashes.

            ps: actually the only thing that ive seen to REALLY suck in ubuntu distros, is these crappy network managers that the have as default...


              Re: kubuntu questions

              Are you using wireless for you network connection? If so, I recommend trying out 'wicd'.



                Re: kubuntu questions

                ok since i prob wont return to the buntu universe for a little ill leave these lines as my memo:
                today i started the pc(after yesterday's whatever events) and kubuntu wont start, something about missing file i think... i think...

                also it seems the windows instalation is corrupted and some hal.dll is missing... great, now kubuntu kills both my systems in one hit.. nice play.

                so im off to try and fix that, good luck to us all....

