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Shutdown using power button.

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    Shutdown using power button.


    I'm fairly new to the linux game so hopefully this will be an easy fix.

    I'm running an installation of Kubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy) on a P4 based embedded system. (I can supply more info if required but I don't think i'm having hardware issues)

    For my application i need the system to shutdown when the power button is pressed. I've been able to make shutdown the default option, but it still requires the user to click on the power button before shutting down.

    Do you know of any applications/commands which would enable this functionality?

    I'm not totally opposed to switching to another distribution if necessary, however i'd like to avoid it if possible.

    Thanks in advance.

    Re: Shutdown using power button.

    Have you tried system settings, advanced, session manager, then unchecking confirm logout and offer shutdown options?

    I have not tried it myself, but it looks like what you are looking for.


      Re: Shutdown using power button.

      Thanks for the suggestion,

      Unfortunately i've already tried this. It results in the shutdown menu being displayed when the power button is pressed, however the user still needs to select shutdown before the computer will shutdown

