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Vista Kubuntu dual boot from raid 0 array.

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    Vista Kubuntu dual boot from raid 0 array.

    I promiss i have searched and searched and searched the forums before posting his.

    I know per the forums that Kubuntu can be installed to a ASUS onboard raid 0 array.

    I also know per the forums that you can dual boot VISTA and Kubuntu every day.

    I have found no evidence at all much less instructions how how to dual boot VISTA and Kubuntu from a raid 0 array made from 2 sata drives and the ASUS controller.

    I would consider myself a Windows Guru however a friend of mine introduced me last night to the concept of a free OS and the Kubuntu community. that said i absolutely experience in configuring kubuntu but i follow technical directions to the T.

    Thank you in advance for any advice.

    p.s. yes i have done the standard installs to non raid non dual boot systems this morning. now for my main computer.

    Re: Vista Kubuntu dual boot from raid 0 array.

    i found this over at the ubuntu forum.

    this seemed like it would allow this holy ghost ninja of an install i followed the directions carefully down to the command to reveal your usb drive for the fist time. the shell returned a message allong the lines of "expected response out of range." i can post the exact error if it helps anyone.

    Anyone mind reading this install guide and tell me if something is left out.

    thank you.

