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Installation problems / repo question

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    Installation problems / repo question

    I am trying to convert my self from CentOS to Kubuntu or debian. Due to some xserver problems, it wouldnt start, on both the Ubuntu 6.04 and Debian testing installation I had to Install 5.10 breezy. Starnge since both installation works fine on my hp laptop.
    My motherboard is asus a8v-x via k8t800 board, and powercoolor radeon 9600, if anyone has noledge please comment

    Are there repo bases that solves dependencie problems for Installation of the latest / newer or debian packages?

    Re: Installation problems / repo question

    I have two computers, but I'm running bleeding edge differently than you. On my 686ht box, I'm running Debian Sid. I've had occaisonal problems, but nothing I couldn't handle. Except, for a month or so after a freeze is lifted, the problems come at you one at a time. On an AMD-64 box, I'm running kubuntu 5-10 and eagerly awaiting the final release of Dapper next month. My feelings is that there are too many problems at once, beta-testing a full distro. Obviously, these are my opinions, not yours.YMMV and all that.

    That said, to get a customized ubuntu source list featuring the latest versions of various things go to Go to for a Unstable (Sid) sources list.

