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Dual booting Linux and Windows Guide

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    Dual booting Linux and Windows Guide

    Linux and Windows dual booting guide

    Microsoft Windows is much more vulnerable to attack than other common operating systems such as MAC or Linux. One reason is that from a security point of view it simply isn't as well put together.

    Linux and Windows how to dual boot

    It is possible that email and browser-based viruses, Trojans and worms are the source of the myth that Windows is attacked more often than Linux. Clearly there are more desktop installations of Windows than Linux. It is certainly possible, if not probable, that Windows desktop software is attacked more often because Windows dominates the desktop. But this leaves an important question unanswered. Do the attacks so often succeed on Windows because the attacks are so numerous, or because there are inherent design flaws and poor design decisions in Windows?

    Linux facts

    Fewer viruses
    More stable
    Less restarts after installing updates
    Security designed from the ground up
    Open Source, no costly programs to install
    Better file system, no waiting for defragmentation of the hard drive

    Linux has no technical support by my ISP Virgin Media yet it works on their cable network, these pages are written by a Linux user with a broadband cable connection.

    Linux is suited to a Ethernet modem connector (RJ45) this is found on the back of a Surfboard 5100 modem for example. The other end plugs into your network connection or card on the back of your case/laptop.

    Ethernet Routers versus USB Modems

    If you have a broadband connection and use a USB modem to connect with, the risks are much greater than if you use an Ethernet router. Unfortunately, most people do use USB modems as they are cheaper to buy, and many ISP's even give them away free to new customers.

    So what's the difference? Well with a USB modem your computer is directly connected to the Internet and can be seen by ' port scanners' looking for vulnerable PCs to attack. Unless you have a Firewall for protection then your PC is wide open and will soon become infected with different pieces of malicious software.

    Routers on the other hand give increased security as they use NAT (Network Address Translation). With NAT your computer connects only to the router, and it is the router that connects to the Internet, hiding your PC and acting as a buffer. Most routers (including those supplied by The Phone Co-op) also come with a built-in firewall, providing extra security.

    Routers also take the load off your PC, give a faster connection in certain instances, and can have more than one port or socket, allowing you to share the Internet connection between more than one computer or other device. All-in-all they are a much better option.

    First step is to test your Windows system with a Live Linux CD does not effect your hard drive and runs in RAM directly from your CD /DVD drive.

    When ready this loads to your hard drive enabling you to dual boot your system with Linux and Windows with a little startup program called GRUB, allowing you to select your operating system.
    Download CD and DVD Disk Images

    There are now two versions of Kubuntu! The newest Kubuntu version, 7.10 features the latest technology and is supported for 18 months. However, you may prefer to continue using Kubuntu 6.06 LTS, which features long-term support.

    Download Kubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) the latest Kubuntu release

    Download Kubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake) the Kubuntu release featuring 3 years of support on the desktop and 5 years on the server.

    Unable to download the CD or DVD images? You can get CDs free from Kubuntu Shipit.

    You can also buy Kubuntu on CD which delivers faster than Shipit. Buy Kubuntu on DVD
    On our network of desktops there are two machines that had Windows XP removed and Ubuntu installed, these run 24/7 without a problem.

    I have dual boot computers, Windows XP and Linux. These run BOINC Manager medical research programs
    in Linux overnight without any problems.

    One last request before you leave, I used to work in Market Research and took many opinion polls, please vote in the poll at the top of this listing, many thanks for your time.

    A little
    Network of two Dell Optiplex dual boot Pentium 4s, Linux user since 1999 Very Happy with Kubuntu and Mandriva. Three other native&nbsp; computers. Computers in my blood since 1975.<br /><br />A Perkin Web Design and computer hardware engineer

    Re: Dual booting Linux and Windows Guide

    I have 5 networked Dell Optiplex computers

    First is a dual boot with Windows XP and Kubuntu
    Second is a OpenBSD
    Third is a OpenSuse
    Forth is a dual boot with Windows XP and Free Mandriva 2008
    Fifth is a dual boot with Windows XP and Mandriva Power Pack 2008

    A Perkin Web Design
    Designer of IS4
    Network of two Dell Optiplex dual boot Pentium 4s, Linux user since 1999 Very Happy with Kubuntu and Mandriva. Three other native&nbsp; computers. Computers in my blood since 1975.<br /><br />A Perkin Web Design and computer hardware engineer


      Re: Dual booting Linux and Windows Guide

      By far the best tutorial on dual booting can be found here:

      All other dual boot options can be found there as well. I followed the tutorial in the link and it worked like a charm, the very first time.


        Re: Dual booting Linux and Windows Guide

        Originally posted by hansdevr
        By far the best tutorial on dual booting can be found here:

        All other dual boot options can be found there as well. I followed the tutorial in the link and it worked like a charm, the very first time.
        I am not a M$ fan. But W7 has to be respected unlike Vista which was dire. It does look like it will replace XP fairly rapidly replacing XP over the next 2 years ( Always wait for SP1 before going near a M$ OS )

        So a proven dual booting system for Kubunto and W7 is the prize.

        Will this method work seamlessly for W7 ?

        Personally as a fast and ( mostly ) reliable OS I'll stay with Hardy Heron (not updated) backed up by bit cloning the drive. I need the look and feel to stay the same month by month year by year. every 5 years I expect to change hardware to the latest and greatest and start again. As I need a very reliable and dependable platform to do my work on.

        If I had a better understanding of Kubuntu there may be a more elegant back up solution than the expensive disk cloning but I have to be able to survive a hard disk crash. Raid is just as expensive and deemed by me as overkill as a solution. (I doubt if I could get it working on Kubuntu anyway ! *LOL* )

        I don't expect many to share my views but here they are anyway !



          Re: Dual booting Linux and Windows Guide

          @Tim036 "I don't expect many to share my views but here they are anyway !"

          I share your view of 8.04
          In fact, you are safe to take its updates, to 8.04.3, just gets better. Best OS I've ever used (including XP and dozens of Linux OSs). Rock solid and all the features I need & use work flawlessly.

          The apcmag how-to's will work with 7; in fact, they've updated the site to reflect such. Probably the best Windows + Linux how-to's for dual booting.
          An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


            Re: Dual booting Linux and Windows Guide

            Originally posted by Antkin
            A Perkin Web Design
            Designer of IS4
            Very interesting web site. Nicely done!
            "A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”
            – John F. Kennedy, February 26, 1962.

