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I am a windows expert but a Kubuntu idiot...need help.

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    I am a windows expert but a Kubuntu idiot...need help.

    Ok, I've had kubuntu for a few days now and cant get anything to work, I like the idea of kubuntu but just need a good source where i can learn the codes and what they do. I have tried using the adept package manager to install beryl to no success just a blank white lockup screen, i cant even install flash player to watch videos. people say, "just put this code in" then do this and this and put this here and type this here and change this and download this and direct this here and then compile this directory here and press enter and you got ok i'm used to double cliking an exe and clicking install then im done. I just need a good code source or an ultra-beginner tutorial.


    Re: I am a windows expert but a Kubuntu idiot...need help.

    I know the pain -- many others have been there.

    My favorite book is Beginning Ubuntu Linux by Keir Thomas. Very good coverage of the system basics. Doesn't assume you know anything, easy to read, logical subject matter organization.

    If you want a more brute-force approach, there are numerous web sites with lists of bash commands and stuff like that, e.g.

    Ubuntu Forum has a wealth of material -- perhaps too much for the casual reviewer, but if you search on a particular topic of interest, like Beryl, you'll find a few thousand posts on that.

    BTW, you don't want to fool around with Beryl at this point -- it hasn't been under any development since early last year. Compiz Fusion, aka compiz is the current "desktop effects" package. Once you get your video display working with glx (a non-trivial accomplishment) then you can simply install the compiz packages, plus emerald, and it's not too tough to get it working, in my experience.


      Re: I am a windows expert but a Kubuntu idiot...need help.

      thanks alot man


        Re: I am a windows expert but a Kubuntu idiot...need help.

        What version of Kubuntu did you install Assuming Gutsy, then:

        Open Adept Manager (K Menu | System | Adept Manger) and click on Adept | Manage Repositories. On the first tab, check all items (you don't need the last item checked unless you intend to download source files for compiling). On the Third-Party Software tab uncheck/delete the cdrom repository entry. Close the window. If Adept doesn't automatically fetch updates, click on Fetch Updates. You will now have access to the thousands of available packages.
        Windows no longer obstructs my view.
        Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
        "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


          Re: I am a windows expert but a Kubuntu idiot...need help.

          yeah, i updated but beryl never worked. im gonna try compiz.


            Re: I am a windows expert but a Kubuntu idiot...need help.

            Beryl was replaced by the Compiz Project, and Compiz is the Windows Manager replacement to Beryl in Gutsy. I still have Beryl installed/working in my Feisty installation; Compiz in my Gutsy.
            Windows no longer obstructs my view.
            Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
            "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes

