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VMware Player and OS X Tiger

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    VMware Player and OS X Tiger

    Hey all, I have been playing around with trying to set up OS X Tiger in a VM through VMware Player. I have had NO SUCCESS! I know some of you ask why would I want to do that if I have Linux....... Just because I want to is a good enough reason for me. So has anyone had any success installing OS X Tiger in VMware Player?

    I have an Intel Celeron 2.4 Ghz processor with 1Gb ram. I am running WinXP Pro just fine in VMware Player so I am sure it is not that. I have read a ton of how to guides through google but none of them are specific to Kubuntu/Ubuntu with VMware Player.

    Many thanks in advance for the help.

    Compaq Presario 2500 Laptop, Intel Celeron 2.4Ghz, 1g ram, ATI Video,

    Re: VMware Player and OS X Tiger

    By the lack of response I have to assume that either people don't know, don't care are just don't talk about it. From some of the research (google) it seems that it is not something that is done simply because Linux and Apple have a good relationship and don't want to mess that up. I get that, but this info is a couple years old.

    My question is why is it ok for Mac to use VMware and run Windows and Linux but it seems to be a no no the other way around? At this point I have given up on trying unless someone has more info that what is out there in Googleland.

    I was just curious to see if it can and has been done.
    Compaq Presario 2500 Laptop, Intel Celeron 2.4Ghz, 1g ram, ATI Video,


      Re: VMware Player and OS X Tiger

      Did you check on Ubuntu Forum? I haven't really heard of anyone trying it -- I don't know why it wouldn't work.


        Re: VMware Player and OS X Tiger

        Through the google search very little came up on that but I will go and check the Ubuntu forum as well. Thanks.
        Compaq Presario 2500 Laptop, Intel Celeron 2.4Ghz, 1g ram, ATI Video,


          Re: VMware Player and OS X Tiger

          The word from Ubuntu was that it is illegal, I debunked that with a quick phone call to apple. As long as a legal copy is purchased then it is allowed, however, there seems to be some differing opinions on the possibility of actually installing via VMware. One person said that he is currently running OSX on VMWare player but then turned around to say that it will most likely not work. Politician in the making I think.

          Apple did go on to say that you could partition a Mac computer HD and install windows on it but the architecture was not backwards compatible with a windows system. I am still not sold on that idea.

          So perhaps I am the only one that cares (especially since Linux does it all ) but because my wife teaches Photoshop and Dreamweaver on a Mac for the University and we don't own a mac at this time, I am looking to get a short cut to Mac until I can afford one (gotta have that new 1" think one!!).

          So if anyone has any other insight please jot it down here for my research. Thanks.
          Compaq Presario 2500 Laptop, Intel Celeron 2.4Ghz, 1g ram, ATI Video,


            Re: VMware Player and OS X Tiger

            Originally posted by gr8dane

            So perhaps I am the only one that cares
            That appears to be close to the truth!

            I think I heard somewhere that the Mac OS requires a complete hard disk drive to run. There may some special tricks required with your .vmx machine to convince the OS that it has a whole disk drive to itself -- I dunno, just speculating here.


              Re: VMware Player and OS X Tiger

              In case anyone else is interested.

              Compaq Presario 2500 Laptop, Intel Celeron 2.4Ghz, 1g ram, ATI Video,

