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Booting directly into VC - no KDE autostart

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    Booting directly into VC - no KDE autostart


    Just loaded up Kubuntu 7.10 on my laptop from the Live CD. I figured I might sign up and introduce myself on the forums because I'll probably be here often.

    I'd like to change it so that it boots directly into a virtual console (tty1?).
    I tried changing some grub options, but the KDE login menu still came up.
    Should I choose to load KDE, I'd like it to be as easy as pressing alt+F7 and logging in.

    I'm pretty sure this is an easy change. If it helps, my menu.lst kernel options are:

    root=blah splash ro quiet

    Thanks fellahs!

    Re: Booting directly into VC - no KDE autostart

    I don't think it is possible to do this from a live CD, you may have to find a way of compiling your own but none the less, I have been doing some searching:

    I haven't done this myself but I have managed to find a couple of web pages that may or may not help.

    Remeber that Gnome and KDE are the User Interfaces that sit ontop of the Ubuntu/Debian Core, so the commands shouldn't really be that much different.

    As I am just an advanced novice I cannot really advise you any further on this issue but I do hope this helps.


      Re: Booting directly into VC - no KDE autostart

      Originally posted by Osteo

      I'm pretty sure this is an easy change. If it helps, my menu.lst kernel options are:

      root=blah splash ro quiet
      If you delete "splash" and "quiet", leave "ro" and add "single", you'll boot to the CLI as root, I think. Trying to remember how the CLI works (from Unix days), I think you can then do "login osteo", or something like that, to change to your user login, and proceed that way. Check "man login" for more details.

      I actually think you can change to a boot option that will take you straight to the user login prompt, but I don't know it off the top of my head. I hope this points you in a useful direction.


        Re: Booting directly into VC - no KDE autostart

        I have tried removing splash and quiet, and it will remove the pretty splash screen, and display a nice hunk of text. I've also tried typing single, which is what's used in the recovery mode. Single will boot up 1 user, as root, into the virtual console.

        Some example 'kernel' strings I found had lines 'console=tty1'. I believe that my best setup allowed me to stay in VC1 until I have a login screen, but then it will boot up KDE even before I login. This seems to maybe point in the direction of some KDE script as opposed to grub.

        Also, I should clarify that I've installed Kubuntu with the text install and it's the only OS on the system.

        I think some of those links might be able to help me out though, in my research I also came across /ect/inittab but it appears as if Kubuntu doesn't need it anymore, but it will use it if it's there. So I'll try some more things from that thread. It seems to be the same problem.



          Re: Booting directly into VC - no KDE autostart

          I have a solution here for you.

          First. Stop kdm from loading on startup. (This will bring you to a command prompt on tty1)

          echo "false" | sudo tee /etc/X11/default-display-manager
          What is being changed here is that 'kdm' is being replaced by 'false' so that no display manager will be started. [This can easily be reversed by replacing 'false' with 'kdm' in the above command]

          Second create a bash script in your home directory to start kdm, so that kdm can be started from tty1 [in case you forget how to start it]:

          nano kdm
          add the following info:

          /etc/init.d/kdm start

          Ctrl-o (writes file to disk)
          Ctrl-x (exits nano)

          Make kdm executable:

          chmod +x kdm
          Then from tty1 all that needs to be done is...

          sudo kdm
          and kdm will start on tty7




            Re: Booting directly into VC - no KDE autostart

            Perfect! Thank you very much!


              Re: Booting directly into VC - no KDE autostart

              Please let me know if this works for you. Also if you have to change some things to get it to do exactly what you needed, please post that as well.



                Re: Booting directly into VC - no KDE autostart

                It worked perfectly. However, after the login screen comes up, a few more scripts are run, and i just need to press enter to see the login screen again.

                It solves my problem though! Perhaps if I mess with quiet and splash grub options it will do what I need it to do.

