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File Sharing

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    File Sharing

    I'm sure you have heard all the Windows->Linux jokes, so I will save mine. I'm a newbie; that's enough information.

    A have an extra computer (it's a piece of crap, but good enough) and I'm trying to turn it into a file server with Linux. I'm rambling...

    Question 1:
    I have Samba installed and I can see the machine in the MShome workgroup from a Windows XP computer. Super! However, I cannot access the shared folder I created on the Linux box. It prompts me to login to the computer to view my share, but I didn't setup (to my knowledge) a l/p. Maybe I missed a step, I don't know. So my first question is how do I finish the job?

    Question 2:
    I have been doing some research about what p2p programs are good for Linux. I have an old box (as mentioned) and I want to leave it running 24/7. So if you know of a good p2p program that has a GUI, no ads/spyware/etc., and can be used by newbs, please let me know. (Make that into a question.)

    Re: File Sharing

    1) It's easiest to set the security level for Samba to "share". It means anyone on the network can access files without having to log in to the Samba server. (System Settings -> Internet and Network -> Samba)

    2) Try KTorrent or BitTornado, for BitTorrent.


      Re: File Sharing

      1) Perhaps I did something wrong, but I don't see Samba as an option under "Internet and Network." I played with /etc/samba/smb.conf, which was probably a bad idea, but that didn't seem to help either. Is there something I'm missing?

      2) I thought BitTorrent was only for torrents. I don't plan to use torrents at all.


        Re: File Sharing

        Under "Authentication" in /etc/samba/smb.conf add the line

        security = share

        (or change the "security" line to share). IIRC you'll need to restart Samba for this to take effect.

        You said p2p, without specifying what sort of p2p. :-P

