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how to create a desktop launcher for firefox

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    how to create a desktop launcher for firefox

    i have downloaded firefox from web site, how would I create a desktop launcher for the file firefox I got it to work but only through the file firefox not from the desktop because i don't know how to create a icon for the file how would i do this.

    Re: how to create a desktop launcher for firefox

    You should have Firefox listed under K Menu/ Internet. Just right click and add to desktop.
    David<br />Chandler, AZ<br /><br />Kubuntu 7.10


      Re: how to create a desktop launcher for firefox

      if u downloaded it from adept it should be in the k menu. but if you downloaded the tarball, then it may not appear in your kmenu. if this is so, first try right clicking on the k menu and going to menu editor. see if firefox is listed in there (sometimes changes are made to the kmenu and arent saved. in this case you just need to choose to save in the menu editor)

      if it still is not in the kmenu, right click on the desktop and choose Create New > Link to Application.
      in the general tab you can change the name to "Firefox" and change the icon my clicking on it. in the Application tab, put the full path of the firefox executable where it says "Command"
      then ave it, right click on it, choose properties, go to permissions and make it executable

