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how to move /home to separate partition

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    how to move /home to separate partition

    I installed Feisty without putting /home on a separate partition. Can I now do it without buggering things up and how do I do it? Any advice will be appreciated.

    Re: how to move /home to separate partition

    Do you have another partition available, or did you use the whole disk?


      Re: how to move /home to separate partition

      # /dev/sdb6
      UUID=5fab2bba-2912-48bc-85c8-a33b2f94c24d /home ext3 nouser,defaults,atime,auto,rw,dev,exec,suid 0 2

      dibl -- there's my fstab for /home (Kubuntu is on sdb2 but home is on sdb6), if you need an example. (I spent the time fetching it, and so want to use it here!)
      An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


        Re: how to move /home to separate partition

        Originally posted by Qqmike

        (I spent the time fetching it, and so want to use it here!)
        Heh heh hehh -- Mike, you're the model of efficiency!

        If the OP has another partition available, I was going to suggest a very simple plan of mounting it as "/media/mydata", then setting up links from /home to that one and copying the data over there, and leave /home alone.


          Re: how to move /home to separate partition

          Create a separate home partition in Ubuntu

          This guide is for creating a separate /home partition if you already installed Ubuntu without a /home partition (i.e., /home is just a folder inside your / partition).

          Ubuntu Kubuntu
          gksudo gparted => kdesu gparted
          Before you edit, BACKUP !

          Why there are dead links ?
          1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
          2. Thread: Lost Information


            Re: how to move /home to separate partition

            Keep in mind that you have to umount the partition to resize it with GParted. As long as you can do that your golden, otherwise you'll need to get the Gparted Live CD.

            Everything you need to do is covered in the previous link by Rog131.

            Added: Meant to mention that I just did this last night. Would've been much faster if I'd moved my mp3's somewhere out of home before copying it to the new partition.
            David<br />Chandler, AZ<br /><br />Kubuntu 7.10

