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? on Partitions

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    ? on Partitions

    Hey All,

    I went and looked at how my partitions are set up and it's as followed:

    1 Partition 231.4 Gb / ext3 /dev/sda1 enabled
    2 Partition 1.0 Kb /media/floppy0 auto /dev/fd0 disabled
    5 Partiton 1.4 Gb none swap /dev/sda5 enabled

    So my question is:

    1. Should I "mount" the swap partition to "swap" or does it matter?

    2. Shouldn't there be a "home" or "data" mount point?

    3. Why does my floppy mount point show up as part of my hard drive?

    I have a 250 gig hard drive. And when I installed I told it partition and mount what the LiveCD thought was best. And that's the partitions it came up with.


    Re: ? on Partitions

    Ok. A little run-down about the linux filesystem.

    "/" is the root. It's the start of the filesystem, and could be on almost any drive in your system.
    Under root, you can have any number of mount points, directories, and files.
    When you say "Why does my floppy mount point show up as part of my hard drive?" you're just misunderstanding. The mount point happens to be in your root filesystem, which is stored on your hard-drive. If you have more questions about the linux filesystem, just ask
    The swap partition is automatically mounted during boot. It does not get a mount-point, as it is only accessible by the OS, or by applications that use the OS to access the swap.

    And may I suggest the following partition scheme, which has always worked very well for me:

    part. # mount-point filesystem-type size
    1 / ext2 5gb
    2 none swap *
    3 /usr ext3 20gb**
    4 /home ext3 20gb

    * swap + memory size should not exceed 3gb unless you are using a 64-bit or custom built kernel. So, if you have 2gb of RAM, create 1gb Swap. If you give more swap, the kernel will not use it as the total addressable memory for the standard kernel is only 3gb/
    ** the usr directory is where most of all your programs and files are stored for all the applications you install. If you plan on installing LOTS of stuff, make this partition bigger.


      Re: ? on Partitions

      Originally posted by James_

      I went and looked at how my partitions are set up and it's as followed:
      How did you do that? Hint: KMenu>System Settings>Advanced>Disks & Filesystems is not the best way to deal with partitions.

      Depending on what it is you are looking for, recommend you get accustomed to the following:

      sudo fdisk -lu
      cat /etc/fstab
      and my personal favorite (due to continuously changing my partitioning, and consequently having to fix my /etc/fstab file)

      sudo blkid

      2 Partition 1.0 Kb /media/floppy0 auto /dev/fd0 disabled
      This is not right/desirable/normal. I'm not sure how you did that, and don't know what trouble it may cause. If you want to open your /etc/fstab file with Kate, and post it here, maybe that will reveal something. To do that, just do Alt-F2, enter "kate /etc/fstab" without the quote marks, and hit Enter, then copy the fstab (file system table) and paste it into a reply here.


        Re: ? on Partitions

        How did you do that? Hint: KMenu>System Settings>Advanced>Disks & Filesystems is not the best way to deal with partitions.
        You act like this isn't the first time this has been asked, LOL. Yep that's how I did it.


        james@DeskTop:~$ sudo fdisk -lu

        Disk /dev/sda: 250.0 GB, 250059350016 bytes
        255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders, total 488397168 sectors
        Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
        Disk identifier: 0x000b9c60

        Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
        /dev/sda1 * 63 485371844 242685891 83 Linux
        /dev/sda2 485371845 488392064 1510110 5 Extended
        /dev/sda5 485371908 488392064 1510078+ 82 Linux swap / Solaris
        james@DeskTop:~$ df
        Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
        /dev/sda1 238877216 12504752 214238172 6% /
        varrun 712628 140 712488 1% /var/run
        varlock 712628 0 712628 0% /var/lock
        udev 712628 84 712544 1% /dev
        devshm 712628 0 712628 0% /dev/shm
        lrm 712628 23908 688720 4% /lib/modules/2.6.22-14-generic/volatile
        james@DeskTop:~$ cat /etc/fstab
        # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
        # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
        proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
        # /dev/sda1
        UUID=46615f1b-fba3-4deb-a9ea-c223d895dfdf / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1
        # /dev/sda5
        UUID=5689e490-5dee-44c5-9930-a4b81b91c3cf none swap sw 0 0
        /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec 0 0
        /dev/scd1 /media/cdrom1 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec 0 0
        /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 auto rw,user,noauto,exec 0 0
        james@DeskTop:~$ sudo blkid
        /dev/sda1: UUID="46615f1b-fba3-4deb-a9ea-c223d895dfdf" SEC_TYPE="ext2" TYPE="ext3"
        /dev/sda5: TYPE="swap" UUID="5689e490-5dee-44c5-9930-a4b81b91c3cf"
        # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
        # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
        proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
        # /dev/sda1
        UUID=46615f1b-fba3-4deb-a9ea-c223d895dfdf / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1
        # /dev/sda5
        UUID=5689e490-5dee-44c5-9930-a4b81b91c3cf none swap sw 0 0
        /dev/scd0 /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec 0 0
        /dev/scd1 /media/cdrom1 udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec 0 0
        /dev/fd0 /media/floppy0 auto rw,user,noauto,exec 0 0

        And again thanks for all the help.



          Re: ? on Partitions

          Originally posted by raijinsetsu
          Ok. A little run-down about the linux filesystem.

          "/" is the root. It's the start of the filesystem, and could be on almost any drive in your system.
          Under root, you can have any number of mount points, directories, and files.
          When you say "Why does my floppy mount point show up as part of my hard drive?" you're just misunderstanding. The mount point happens to be in your root filesystem, which is stored on your hard-drive. If you have more questions about the linux filesystem, just ask
          The swap partition is automatically mounted during boot. It does not get a mount-point, as it is only accessible by the OS, or by applications that use the OS to access the swap.

          And may I suggest the following partition scheme, which has always worked very well for me:

          part. # mount-point filesystem-type size
          1 / ext2 5gb
          2 none swap *
          3 /usr ext3 20gb**
          4 /home ext3 20gb

          * swap + memory size should not exceed 3gb unless you are using a 64-bit or custom built kernel. So, if you have 2gb of RAM, create 1gb Swap. If you give more swap, the kernel will not use it as the total addressable memory for the standard kernel is only 3gb/
          ** the usr directory is where most of all your programs and files are stored for all the applications you install. If you plan on installing LOTS of stuff, make this partition bigger.
          OK a few questions

          Now when you say "root" or "/" this is my base OS or kernel? This is the ground work for everything else I want it too do?

          So "/swap" isn't mounted till it's needed. Now this is just kind of "extra" memory for the system too use "if" I put a load on it where the "installed" memory gets over loaded?

          In the example you gave about how to set up partitions you only set a total of 45 gig's, now I have a 250 gig hard drive. So what happens to the rest of the hard drive.

          Do I plan on installing a ton of stuff? Probley! Especially right at first while I'm in the "play with my new toy" mode.



            Re: ? on Partitions

            Your fstab file is fine -- I don't see any problems with your setup.

            If your only goal is to learn Linux and install Linux packages and stuff like that, you're good to go. If you intend to accumulate long-term data, I will respectfully suggest that you need to either:

            1. Implement a reliable backup process to some external device/media, or

            2. Re-partition your hard drive to make a third "data" partition, which will not be trashed when you re-install (or break) your Linux filesystem.

            That's it - have fun! Here are some potentially useful links:





              Re: ? on Partitions

              Now when you say "root" or "/" this is my base OS or kernel? This is the ground work for everything else I want it too do?
              Yes the 'root' or '/' is the base of the filesystem, similar to the "My Computer" in windows. All of the files for the system are in directories (or folders) below '/'. The directories (or folders) below '/' can be located on different partitions. [This is where the file system table or fstab comes in]

              It is advantageous to have '/home' mounted on a seperate partition. Since the '/' partition will have to be formatted during reinstallation following a crash (or user error), the '/home' partition could then be spared from formatting leaving the files on it intact.

              I would use the remaining space on your 250GB hard drive for '/home'.



                Re: ? on Partitions

                Well if Mr. Gates taught me anything it's to back up files I want OFTEN!!! LOL. For now I'm just trying to learn linux. Install different packages. Ya know play with my new toy. If I do have something on my system that is "important" I always back it up. That way "when" windows crashes I still have it.

                Thanks for the links. I'll read up on this and see what I want/need to do.


