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Root password

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    Root password

    Hi there. I expect you've been asked this question many times, so I apologise. I have searched the Wiki (and found what I wanted, but it didn't work), and I have searched the forums but can't find what I'm looking for

    I'm being asked to enter my root password, but when I do it's not being accepted. From what I understand from the Wiki, the root password is the password for the original user account that I set up in the installation (If you see what I mean :P ). However, I enter my password, but it's not being accepted.


    Re: Root password


    Can you tell us more about what you're trying to do please ? and what error message you're getting...
    For example try to output what you're getting by :
    sudo ls


      Re: Root password

      I'm having a look around the KDE control panel (seeing what different things to and all that). If I go into the Login Manager (for example), and try to go into administrator mode, I enter my password (for the user account that I'm using at the moment- the only account that's been set up), and I get the error message "Conversation with su failed"


        Re: Root password

        There is no root password.
        It's a sudo password.
        What you want to do is this: Make sure you're logged in as the first user you created during installation.
        Press Alt-F2.
        A dialogue will pop up. In that dialogue, type
        kdesu kcontrol
        Type your user password.

        For more info, see:
        Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


          Re: Root password

          Although I am not the starter of this tread, you have made my day with the first link


            Re: Root password

            i absolutely do not get this...

            i too am having this issue! i've created a single user account and am currently logged into it. when i go to use 'adept' it'll ask for my password. when i enter the user password i get an incorrect password error box. now when i enter the actual root password i've entered for the fresh kubuntu install...i get a 'conversation with su has failed'. any ideas?


              Re: Root password

              Sometimes the install screws up. As long as you haven't customized kubuntu just yet, I'd reccommend doing a re-install of kubuntu
              <br /><br />*temp. hiatus from forums due to comp + net broken* :&#039;(


                Re: Root password

                so i figured out my issue :P

                i have a sony dru-810 dvd burner for my primary and only drive. when i go to install kubuntu, i CAN NOT get the install to work by simply hitting enter. i have to enter 'expert' mode the reasoning for this is that it has something to do with using "-d1" which i think turns off DMA (? something like that). anyway, so i'm a newbie to kubuntu in expert mode and manage to finally get the install to take. upon my first boot, "adept" will absolutely NOT work. > after posting this last night, i research a little further to find this thread which answered my problem! i followed the instructions there and WOOHOO!! it's all good! now it's time to get dvd and mp3 support. 8) good luck to the newbies who might happen to stumble across this thread!


                  Re: Root password

                  I have just installed Kubuntu. While still runing the install version I had problems using any of the system
                  services requiring a password. One of the messages : no root user. So I checked the users and sure enough there was no root user. So I created one and gave it a password. Things worked fine after that,I installed packages and looked around the system.

                  After I rebooted the system I tryed to use Adept, got the password dialog and a message saying there
                  was no response from the decopserver and that I should check to see if decop was running.

                  without access to the system how do I check, and if it is not running how do I start it, and schedual it to start during system initialization?

                  I think this is probably the same problem the rest are having too.



                    Re: Root password

                    Two different issues here:

                    1. default installation
                    No root user is created by default (that is by design). Instead you should use sudo or kdesu and your 'user' password to run administrative tasks.
                    More info:

                    2. expert installation
                    Expert installation creates a normal root account by default, and the primary user can't use sudo since the user (actually the %admin group) is not added to the /etc/sudoers file. (Maybe because it is assumed the root account will be used for maintenance)

                    AFAIK This can lead to a few problems since some programs/launchers (like Adept probably) are probably still configured to use sudo/kdesu. This issue can be solved by editing the sudoers file (allowing sudo for 'username' or '%admin').

                    Of course this (the difference between default/expert installation) could be documented a bit more thoroughly for easy reference after installation (maybe in Dapper)

