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Relative speed of XP vs Kubuntu on the same hardware....

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    Relative speed of XP vs Kubuntu on the same hardware....


    I have an old(ish) Compaq Evo D510 desktop box (P4 1.8/512MB/20GB HDD, etc) and have been running XP Pro SP2 very nicely on it. Boots up in less than 1 minute.

    I've also dual-booted it to run Kubuntu 7.10 and this seems to take around twice as long as XP to boot up (in XP I also have AVG antivirus installed to run at boot, but nothing else).

    Additionally, the same apps (particularly Firefox seem to run slower (I haven't actually done any empirical testing though) on Kubuntu than XP...

    I always thought that Linux was 'slimmer' and quciker than Windows on the same hardware, or am I thinking about a bare-bones Linux with no WM/Desktop?

    Looking at the amount of disk space the Kubuntu install takes up compared to XP (and that's with all of my apps installed on both systems) I can't see much (any?) difference at all... Is a desktop Linux just as bloated and sluggish as Windows now?

    Is it true to say that the layers of cr*p required to get a graphical desktop running on Linux is a big a cludge as Windows 3.1 was on to of DOS?

    I'd appreciate some feedback on this and it'd be great is anyone has done comparitive timing/performance between Kubuntu and XP.



    Re: Relative speed of XP vs Kubuntu on the same hardware....

    You need to be careful trying to compare Windows and Linux based on just what you see on the screen.

    A useful little dissertation is here.

