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SanDisk MP3 Player

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    SanDisk MP3 Player

    Hey All,

    I'm trying to get a SanDisk MP3 player to work. I plug it in (USB) and it shows "connected" with a spinning wheel in the window and then reboots. If I open Amrok and did a few adjustments there it shows that a device conneted. But I can't get it too work.

    Do I need to load something else for Amrok? Do I need to download the .inf file and use ndiswrapper (is that right?). Or what?


    Re: SanDisk MP3 Player

    Which Sandisk player?

    I have a e250 and to get it too work I had to set the USB mode to MSC in the players settings.

    Other then that it should just mount and work.


      Re: SanDisk MP3 Player

      All it says on the MP3 is "B10712AKHF-8G" So not sure if that's the number or not. I know it's an 8 gig player. After posting this I did check in my "Storage Media" and all it showed was my hard driver. Shouldn't the MP3 player show up there as well?


      PS: I did read your post where you said you did that. But I can't seem to find USB setting's on the player.


        Re: SanDisk MP3 Player

        The USB setting might not be on your player. I'm unfamiliar with any your player.

        Did you try to mount it by hand?

        Sometimes I can't get things to mount automatically.


          Re: SanDisk MP3 Player

          Does the player appear on your desktop?
          If so, you might be able to use it just like a hard drive: open it, drag and drop files to it, delete files by dragging them to the trash and emptying it, etc.
          That's how mine works.

          I haven't bothered to try getting mine set up in Amarok, because I don't really see what the advantage is.


            Re: SanDisk MP3 Player

            No it doesn't show up on my desktop. And if I go into "storage places" it doesn't show up there either.


