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How to find files?

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    How to find files?


    I'm using Kubuntu 7.10; I was looking at a post ( to set up KMobileTools. It suggests to initiate kbluz utils: /etc/init.d/bluez-utils start

    I have bluez-utils installed (as I see in Adept), yet on my PC, is not in that directory (/etc/init.d/). Is there a search file utility in Kubuntu (like it is in Win) to locate files in the system?

    Thank you,


    Re: How to find files?

    To find files made by apt packages, open Adept, find the package and click Details. Then, under the Installed files tab, is a list of all files made by this package. The procedure in Synaptic in quite similar.

    I installed the package just to see the files and the only file in /etc/init.d is bluetooth, so maybe try /etc/init.d/bluetooth instead. The readme and other doc files are in /usr/share/docs/bluez-utils.

    For searching other files, there's that Strigi thing that I uninstalled because it takes a lot of resources. It should be in the K menu.
    The Nomad's Land - some Linux humor too


      Re: How to find files?

      i really like "locate" it is fast


      The locate program searches a database for all pathnames which match the
      specified pattern. The database is recomputed periodically (usually
      weekly or daily), and contains the pathnames of all files which are pub-
      licly accessible.
      and thats why its fast your just querying a databse.
      i guess the problem with it is you have to actually make the database
      cd / sudo updatedb (not sure if the cd to root is necessary) and it has to be updated with locate.updatedb

      for me though i still use it cause it is SOOOO FAST. and you can use catfish as a gui/frontend too


        Re: How to find files?

        or the shell command 'find' perhaps

        just type 'man find' in the shell (konsole)
        Kubuntu<br />FreeBSD 8.1<br />OpenBSD 4.7<br />Meego


          Re: How to find files?

          Thank you !

