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Networking help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Networking help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am going insane here!

    I recently installed Kubuntu on my Dell Dimension V350. I want to configure networking settings so I can access other computers (using Windows 2000 and XP) from the workgroup I specified on Windows!

    WHAT DO I DO!?

    I think I am going nuts here. I now only little of Kubuntu, and I really need to configure this. I want to access all the other PCs under X workgroup, and I want the other machines to be able to access my files!

    HELP!!!! PLEASE!!!

    This may be a repeated topic, so just in case, I apologize. But right now, I am so MAD!!

    Re: Networking help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    How is your system set up

    PC1    PC2   PC3 ....PCn
        \        |       |        /
         \       |       |       /
          \ ___|____|___/
            Router? or HUB if internet not connected


      Re: Networking help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Well, I am using the 2Wire Homeportal 1800HW. I connect up to 4 PCs simultaniously, directly to the modem (it acts like a router).

      So it is pretty much like the diagran you offered. Each Windows PC is set up under a specific workgroup.


        Re: Networking help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        No one can help me

        I managed to set the workgroup, but when I check for other computers, only this PC appears. I want to be able to communicate with all other computers on the same workgroup.



          Re: Networking help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          Go easier on the punctuation, and more liberal with the detail.

          "I managed to set the workgroup" - where did you set this?

          "when I check for other computers" - what do you use for this?

          For accessing shared folders on the Windows machines, you'll need to set up the Samba client. For the Windows machines to access shares on the Linux machine, you'll need to install and set up a Samba server. It's fairly straightforward to do in most cases.


            Re: Networking help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            Give people a chance to reply, I for one are not on the Internet 24/7

            Each Windows PC is set up under a specific workgroup
            Do you mean the same workgroup or individual or different workgroups?

            Can the other PC communicate to each other?

            Can you ping the router?

            We need more information to help you.

