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Live-CD help

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    Live-CD help

    Ok, I've downloaded kubuntu-7.10-desktop-amd64.iso and burned it to a cd. Boots up, all is well until I choose Start or install Kubuntu. It seems to load ok, but then after a bit I get error messages such as this:
    Bufer I/O Error on device sr0, logical block 238208
    and this repeats like 4 or 5 times. Then I get a new line
    SQUASHFS Error sb_bread failed read in block (blah blah)
    My system specs are as follows:
    AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4200+
    ALiveNF6G-VSTA motherboard
    ATI Radeon X1550 64 bit
    200GB Seagate SATA1 hard drive

    All that happens after all the errors is that I get thrown back to a command prompt. I do plan to install Kubuntu on my system if at all possible (I was told my hardware had no Linux support), but for right now I just need to use gparted (or qtparted, whichever) to resize my Windows partition on the 200GB drive to reclaim the entire space rather than just half (Decided I didn't need 2 partitions.. yet). I also have Maxtor(I think) 80gb IDE hard drive as well. Also, I'm running Windows XP x64 and would like to keep it if at all possible. But for right now, my main concern is that I have no desktop through the Live CD. Grrr. I've used Kubuntu 6.06 with no problems, but that was also on a different x86 based machine. I tried that live cd also, but still no luck.