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How to install other then default location.

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    How to install other then default location.

    Hi all,

    Was just wondering Is it possible to choose the install direcory of a s/w while installing on Kubuntu 5.10 ?
    Or Is it possible to install using apt-get and then change the directory ?

    For example I want to choose the directory of all s/winstalled by me as /Homw/username/software instead of it getting located in /etc.

    Thanks all

    Re: How to install other then default location.

    For a start, it's installed somewhere in /usr (/usr/bin, /usr/local/bin for the executables for example), not in /etc.

    Second - why would you want to?


      Re: How to install other then default location.

      oops yep its /usr my mistake was a bit confused..

      For no special reason as such,
      I have given only 5gb for root partition and if it gets full one day :P

      Lets say I want to install some kinda bulky s/w and dont wanna install on root partition

      Thanks for the prompt reply....


        Re: How to install other then default location.

        You can choose location when:

        1) When you compile from source:
        By default, `make install' will install the package's files in
        `/usr/local/bin', `/usr/local/man', etc. You can specify an
        installation prefix other than `/usr/local' by giving `configure' the option `--prefix=PATH'.

        2) Program has own installer program. Example: seamonkey-1.0.en-US.linux-i686.installer.tar.gz

        3) Program is 'run ready'. You just unpack it.
        Example: blender-2.41-linux-glibc232-py24-i386.tar.bz2

        Before you edit, BACKUP !

        Why there are dead links ?
        1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
        2. Thread: Lost Information


          Re: How to install other then default location.

          5 GB should be sufficient. I have a ton of programs installed, and it's only 2.5 GB full on my computer.

          If things get bad, you can start symlinking the /usr directory to somewhere else.
          Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


            Re: How to install other then default location.

            why don't you simply give /usr it's own partition. then most of what you install will not go into your / root partition.

            So say 2.5gb for /
            and 20gb for /usr and you should never have a worry.



              Re: How to install other then default location.

              Originally posted by DrShecky
              why don't you simply give /usr it's own partition. then most of what you install will not go into your / root partition.
              I should have done that, but now I am in no mood of reinstalling Kubuntu again & 5 GB should be enough

              My question was more come out of curosity.
              I read some where about Symolic links (Sudo ln) which may work, Will try tonite. (to move install s/w to diffrent place)

              Rog131, will also try your method

              Thanks to all :d


                Re: How to install other then default location.

                I'm not really trying to rain on your parade, but I have (what I consider to be) a fairly adequate, but by no means excessive, load of software and I'm using more than 4 GB outside /home that counts not only /usr, which is a bit over 3 GB, but about 1.5GB of stuff in /var as well as odds and sods elsewhere.

                If I had partitioned my system the way you partitioned yours, I'd be concerned. After all, it's easier to reinstall now than it will be later when you have to redo preferences that you can't even recall.


                  Re: How to install other then default location.

                  you don't have to reinstall to change your partition setup. Though for someone with not a lot of exp it might seem easier to do it that way.
                  You can create a partition, then mount your /usr directory on that partition, as long as fstab tells it to mount that way at boot you can do anything some amazing things. I'm afraid I am not knowledgable enough to walk you thrtough it confidently, but I am sure you could find many tuts howtos on the subject.
                  try it is really good.
                  who knows how long it will take me to finish it, but you have given me a great new idea for a Visual tutorial for my site. Thanxx

                  P.S. Gentoo and Linux From Scratch probably also have good docs on mounting dirs to different partitions as it is part of there install.

