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Not booting into Linux after install

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    Re: Not booting into Linux after install

    The files where there, but I dont know what to do whith them from the terminal. Anways I will call it a nigth now. Will come back tomorow to see if I can fix this. Its somhow a bit fun typing in the terminal even tho I dont understand most of it


      Re: Not booting into Linux after install

      "The act of 'doing' enhances the process of 'learning'"
      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


        Re: Not booting into Linux after install

        Still need help on this one

        As far as I can tell I do not have /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc
        what I have underlined on my hd


          Re: Not booting into Linux after install

          Yes, you do, as your last picture shows. If you did not have the directory, then you would not have been able to issue the command: cd /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc You would have received the following error: bash: cd: /usr/lib/grub/i386-pc: No such file or directory Therefore, the last command you issued: cp * /boot/grub was also successful.

          This all said, that means you now have the required /boot/grub directory with all the files required. At this point, you need to wait for Qqmike to jump back in - he's the "Grub-meister" here.
          Windows no longer obstructs my view.
          Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
          "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


            Re: Not booting into Linux after install

            ok, This is true, But I am not able to see in with konqueor
            il hang on tight :-)


              Re: Not booting into Linux after install

              "Patience, the one tool we all need, all have, but few actually use."

              I've sent a message to Qqmike letting him know what you've accomplished so far. As he is the 'resident' expert (read:experienced) with Grub, and this is a Grub issue, all be it an odd Grub issue, he is best able to assist in getting you through this problem.
              Windows no longer obstructs my view.
              Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
              "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


                Re: Not booting into Linux after install

                Hey AndroNewb, how was your Konsole lesson?
                Best way to learn it is * not * yet. Instead, learn to navigate and do file management first with GUI--Konqueror/Dolphin. Then you can better “picture” what you need to do at the command line, and you will know your way around your directories after actually seeing them and their contents.
                And if you use an excellent tutorial like tuxfiles, using CLI (command line interface) is easy, except for making typos:
                (btw, I use both GUI & CLI, but usually prefer GUI, and I seem to get a hell of a lot done ).

                OK, where the heck were we?

                I will assume you have the grub files inside the directory /boot/grub.
                (BTW, the best way to open Konqueror as root is simply, at Konsole, issue the command
                kdesudo konqueror. I do it a dozens times a day.)

                So you have just the one hard drive, and Kubuntu is on the first partition of it, right? (Make sure)
                As I recall, you are using the Live Kubuntu CD?
                If so, boot from the Live Kubuntu CD.
                Open Konsole.
                sudo grub
                At the GRUB prompt, grub>, issue these commands, each followed by Enter:

                grub> find /boot/grub/stage1

                That should return some expression (hdx,y) (hard drive x, partition y, where the counting starts from zero, so the first hard drive is hd0 and the first partition is partition is y = 0). It should read: (hd0,0).
                Use that exact same expression here:

                grub> root (hd0,0)
                grub> setup (hd0)
                grub> quit
                Exit out of the Live CD, eject and remove the CD when prompted, re-boot to see what happens.

                You may need to make up a menu.lst, but I'm hoping one will be automatically generated for you using setup. If you need a menu.lst, you can use this one (see below) (you already have the correct kernel & initrd in your /boot directory, according to your photo; there's an update grub function available, too).

                To do so, open Konqueror as root by typing in Konsole
                kdesudo konqueror
                Navigate to /boot/grub, right-click inside the grub directory , Create New > Text File, name it
                copy/paste the following into it, then File > Save, File > Quit, and re-boot to test it.

                # menu.lst – Starts here

                default 0
                timeout 10

                ## hiddenmenu
                # Hides the menu by default (press ESC to see the menu)
                # Pretty colours
                #color cyan/blue white/blue
                # Put static boot stanzas before and/or after AUTOMAGIC KERNEL LIST

                ## ## Start Default Options ##
                ## default kernel options
                # kopt=root=UUID=1e0a3a46-eb31-4dc6-9c53-a98454d8c88e ro
                # crashdump=0
                # groot=(hd1,1)
                ## should update-grub create alternative automagic boot options
                ## e.g. alternative=true
                ## alternative=false
                # alternative=true
                # defoptions=quiet splash
                # memtest86=true
                # updatedefaultentry=false
                # savedefault=false
                ## ## End Default Options ##

                title Ubuntu 7.10, kernel 2.6.22-14-generic
                root (hd1,1)
                kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic root=UUID=1e0a3a46-eb31-4dc6-9c53-a98454d8c88e ro quiet splash
                initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.22-14-generic

                title Ubuntu 7.10, kernel 2.6.22-14-generic (recovery mode)
                root (hd1,1)
                kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.22-14-generic root=UUID=1e0a3a46-eb31-4dc6-9c53-a98454d8c88e ro single
                initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.22-14-generic

                title Ubuntu 7.10, memtest86+
                root (hd1,1)
                kernel /boot/memtest86+.bin


                # menu.lst stops here
                An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                  Re: Not booting into Linux after install

                  ok, now I feel kinda stupid, Like 2 seconds before I saw your msg I initiated a re-install just to see if I could get anywhere with that.
                  I will see where that leads me first, and if ewryting is the same I will do what you said rigth away :-)

                  Anyways When browsing the files I did not find any Grub folders in boot nor in that other place, even tho terminal said it shuld be there.

                  And yes I only have 1 HD in the PC atm (I have a SATA drive whith windows but that is unplugged)
                  Linux is installed on the first partision

                  Edit: Problem is still here after reeinstall, let me check if evriting is the same.


                    Re: Not booting into Linux after install

                    Did you try installing with the regular Desktop Kubuntu Live CD?

                    If so, in Step 4, select the Manual partitioning method (the last option listed).
                    Then in Step 6 – slow down, before pressing Install – click the Advanced button at lower right, then make sure (hd0) is typed there (that's where GRUB gets installed—the MBR of the first hard drive; I'm wondering if somehow your installer is NOT installing GRUB, which is an option sometimes).
                    An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                      Re: Not booting into Linux after install

                      I am starting to think I did not have that checked on my original install, atm I am installing it all over again, and I remember that it was hd0. I also did check for installation of grub. atm I'm installing I will try again shortly


                        Re: Not booting into Linux after install


                        Sure sounds like GRUB was omitted during install. Some people have their own bootloader (LILO, GAG, NTLDR--boot Kubuntu from Windows, etc.) and do not want GRUB installed.

                        To check, which I think you know, but let's be sure:

                        kdesudo konqueror
                        In the Location window at the top of KOnqueror, type / then Enter.
                        Click boot.
                        Click grub.

                        or Click the other directory /usr, then /lib, then grub, then i386-pc.

                        If you do this work a lot, always open Konqueror (as root if needed), then View > Show Hidden Files. Just in case you need those visible; it also shows hidden directories, like /.mozilla where your Firefox is, for example, under /home/your_name. Very important in GUI to Show Hidden Files, because if you Select All and copy/paste or drag/drop, you may want ALL files sometimes (like if you are building a live OS on a flash drive).

                        An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                          Re: Not booting into Linux after install

                          I'm starting to think this issue is hardware related, I downloaded a 7.10 ubuntu yust now and same problem presist error 21.


                            Re: Not booting into Linux after install

                            Brain dump:

                            Yes. Maybe hardware. But, if so, how are you able to get the GRUB error? GRUB somehow got installed or partially installed, at least to the MBR (it would seem). So, you are saying, this time, too, you did not get any files under /boot/grub?
                            When you turn on the PC it says/does what? You just get Error 21?

                            It certainly sounds like BIOS is not detecting the hard drive right and/or not passing that info off to GRUB, but, at the same time, the installer does put some files on the partition (hd0,0), right?

                            If you get into BIOS setup, do you see that hard drive listed somewhere, and set in the boot order, say after the CD or however? I.e., does BIOS seem to recognize the drive?

                            I wonder if your MBR is goofed up somehow?

                            Have you tried independently partitioning/formatting using GParted Live CD first before running the Kubuntu installer?
                            An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                              Re: Not booting into Linux after install

                              and BIOS is set to boot from THAT hard drive, not from the network or from some other drive?
                              An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way. Charles Bukowski


                                Re: Not booting into Linux after install

                                The grub files where in place the last time I checked. The bios is OK I think atleast it is set up to boot from the HD
                                and it did mannage to boot windows xp fine yesterday(from the IDE disk)

